What wonderfully complex creatures you are, able to say that things are not progressing as rapidly as you would like, and yet thinking that you have no time to finish everything. No wonder you amuse even yourselves at times. Let us look at things from another perspective, shall we?
There are changes occurring in every particle of creation at this time. There is no being, micro, macro, or cosmic, from your point of view, which is not being affected. Every atom you can perceive, every life form upon your earth, and every planet in your system is undergoing great change. Your scientists are quite aware of this, even though they are not telling you. Some are afraid, some are just confused. They have never seen, and do not understand, what they are seeing now. Some others think they know, but we would hasten to tell them that they do not.
There is relatively instantaneous change, evolution, ascension, afoot. But you, dear friends, being the complex beings that you are, and being able to invent things like increments of time, are able to view this so minutely that you can decry a lack of change. Well, my friends, let me tell you that, if there is one constant in your universe, it is change. You simply cannot live in a single moment that is like any other moment ever was or ever will be again. So basically all you are saying is, “I am unhappy with the state of things as I perceive them to be. I want more for myself. Are we there yet?” And our answer could be, “As long as you continue to hang on to your precious view points, you will not see the changes you want.” But we do not say that.
We do not say that because each atom, molecule and cell in your bodies is undergoing the same changes as all the others we spoke of. You are going to have the world you dream of even though you seem to be dragging your way there.
Many of those who follow these and other messages are aware of, do feel, and are enjoying much personal change. As we have spoken before, this is what is driving things on your planet. Why? Because on your planet mankind is the driving force. As an aside, you have been driving in the wrong direction. And mankind is something that only exists as a collection of individuals. In other words, you determine what is happening. So complaining about the state of things will not get you where you wish to be. And yet you see us seemingly celebrating your advances.
Well, dear ones, look around. Look past your preconceptions. You are moving. Things are changing. And your inner as well as your outer worlds are becoming much improved. Love and blessings to those who are experiencing this firsthand. And even more love and blessings to those who have not begun to experience it yet. Truly it is time to begin to look to yourselves.
Our promise is this, if you will begin to look into your hearts, if you begin to ask daily for the changes in you that we discuss, you will find them. You are not undeserving. You are not unworthy. You are not to be left behind. Just present your I-am-a-child-of-Creator ticket and climb on board. You will be welcomed with open arms. In that moment the answer to your question, are we there yet, will change from ‘no’ to ‘yes’. And to those already on this ride, let us say that you would be amazed to see how many others are finding the light every day.
Be at peace and meet us in your hearts. Good day.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/
Excuse me Ron and "Michael"
Please, pardon me, allow me to interrupt this message to bring you one of you latest messages to us from you.
"Ron Head w/AA Gabriel and Michael: Posted 6/9/13 "We wish you to know that that which you have worked for so long, and with such dedication, has now commenced. You have been informed of this from other sources, as well, and we confirm for you that this information is correct. The freedom, abundance, prosperity, and total transformation of your world, which you have prayed for these last thousands of years, and which has been incomprehensibly denied you, is now to be yours."
The part that puzzles, me/us is "abundance, prosperity?" In our reality of our now this is interpreted as tangible goods, not just water in the desert that I'm sure the aboriginies can teach us how to find.
Last year you and nearly all of your "Team Members" said that we would have this long before "ascension" took place on 12/21/12 as to ease the way into it. We did not receive it.
Is this why ascension was cancelled, excuse me, postponed?
The one's that were busy moving out of their repossessed, flooded, burned down, tornado, earthquake, volcano or hail damaged homes and moving into apartments, in with others, or into the streets likely had no way of reading your miss-taken guidance.
Now this year many of you and yours have given us this same information again as last year. Saying that we would have these means at our disposal for the financial assistance some of us desperately need to survive in 3D until we can lift above it. This to be in our accounts by June. In our vernacular, "by June" means by June 1st, not July 1st or 7th. However being a patient one, I gave it until end-June as your history shows that you don't have an accurate concept of "linear time" and it's meaning down here.
When you say "is NOW to be yours," would give us an short explanation of your interpretation of your meaning behind these particular words to us? Thank you so much.
I and I'm sure that "we" most of us, understand that you did insert "to be" in your sentence. We do understand this allieviates you from specific timelines, But you did place "NOW" in it, this in your sentence we call and "oxymoron" regardless, we were told early this year by your team members that NESARA would be distributed to us by June, 2013 for our due ascension this September. Oh, so sorry, were you aware of that or do the other team members of your crews clue Arch Angels in on Their plans?
We understand that this is a huge job, but I would hope to God that Those that claim to have been hanging around here for eons preparing for this would be better at it than we.
I recommend that you start hiring some good quality help from down here to assist you in at least editing of your information to us. I will do it from here or you can bring me aboard ship and I can do it for you before your words reach my people.
The Sole purpose of my mission and why I was born onto this planet is to bring my people HOME. People wake up and stop being miss guided by false promises that continue to turn out year after year to be just that. If you want ascension step up and take it. unlike what many are saying it will not be given to you without your complete acceptance and intent of it.
"SOON" don't happen later and later never happens NOW. Soon happen SOON, three Earth weeks max. Please Star Beings study our Webster.
I Love you, and will be all over these alleged "channels" until the wheat is visible to you from the chaff.
David Porter
Author of the series