Tonight's New Moon in Cancer -- at 12:15 a.m. EDT in the U.S. -- brings us to a turning point in the powerful energies that have been reshaping our lives – and our world -- for more than a year now.
Don’t get me wrong! We’re still deeply engaged with the deep and far-reaching turbulence generated by Uranus and Pluto. In fact, these two mighty change agents haven’t even reached the halfway point of their mission. Things aren’t about to calm down any time soon!
Yet what happens just after midnight in the U.S. Eastern Time zone, however, will shift the energy within you and around you in an extremely profound and potent way.
Each month’s New Moon creates the seed energy of new beginning. A new cycle begins. Because the Moon rules the sign of Cancer, she is at her most powerful here.
And this year, she merges her energies with those of the Sun as an auspicious grand trine begins to form in the water signs between a combination of energies that bring dreams and blessing into form. No one alive has experienced this potentcosmic configuration of blessing:
- Jupiter the Blessing Giver, in the sign of his exaltation—Cancer, the very energy of this new moon.
- Neptune the Cosmic Mystic, who inspires us and awakens our memory of the great Oneness in which we all participate somewhere in our being--at maximum strength in his own sign of Pisces.
- Saturn, the great Manifestor who brings energy into form, coming to a standstill after a five-month vision quest. His search for what you need to claim the full transformative power of Scorpio has come to an end.
- Affirm your willingness to release the energies that stand between you and your deepest dreams. Now is the time to let them go.
- With Mercury, Chiron, Neptune, and Pluto still vision questing, stay open to new awareness.
- Don't try to think your way into the new cycle. Over half the solar system in water signs, don't try to think your way to the future. Listen to your heart. Trust your intuition. Pay attention to your dreams.
We are being given exactly what we need to break through the barriers that stand between us and the lives we dream of –not only individually, but also collectively, as a species and as the multi-species organism we call Earth. But after tonight, we'll be able to feel the support as keenly as we feel the pressure.
For readings Just email me at
May the weeks ahead be rich with blessings and breakthrough!
Love and blessings,
Star Sister
(aka Marcia)
Purpose of this site
Hi Marcia -- I appreciate your astrological explanations and know you are coming from your heart. But, I don't think this website is purposed to sell our products, so I am concerned about your advertisement within your message.
in response to star528
considering that fathermothergod submitted this article,
I'm sure it's all good in the galactic hood star528 :)
I <3 u as I
This time is for you
Cocolove Love,
Just look at what is aligning for you tonight! The 777 Gaia portal up shift, 7/7/13, and cocolove77! Did I miss anything else?
Love you Cocolove!