Highlighted Aspects this Week
Monday: New Moon 12:14am PDT, Chiron quincunx Venus; Tuesday: Sun conjunct Mercury, Venus square Nodes; Thursday: Neptune sesquisquare Sun; Saturday: Jupiter semisquare Venus, Mars enters Cancer; Sunday: Pluto quincunx Ceres, Sun square Eris
THE MONTH OF JULY is a powerful time of initiation. Planetary alignments support us in manifesting new realities based on a strong knowing of our truth, a clear understanding of our needs, and a new appreciation for the spiritual nature of our experience on planet Earth.
I am describing the energies of the Grand Water Trine between Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter and Mars in Cancer, and Neptune in Pisces. Now that Jupiter is in Cancer (and especially with Mars entering Cancer at the end of this week), the effects of this grand trine are becoming palpable. This influence will continue to grow and reach a pinnacle when the trine configuration is strongest, July 17 through 20.
IN A GRAND TRINE, three or more planet are working together in harmony, supporting our growth. With our grand trine in water signs, we are working in particular with emotional and spiritual concerns — themes commonly associated with the heart and high heart chakras.
Based on the planets involved in our grand trine, we can anticipate opportunities to expand our spiritual and creative awareness (Neptune in Pisces); a stronger ability to ground our dreams in reality and truth (Saturn in Scorpio); an enhanced optimism and willingness to take emotional risks (Jupiter in Cancer); and greater courage to take action in alignment with our heart’s desires (Mars in Cancer).
IN OTHER WORDS, this month brings us immense potential. Through focusing on our hearts and consciously allowing ourselves to be heart-led, we can access powerful spiritual, emotional, and inspirational energies, and bring them into our physical realities in new ways.
The only caution here is that it could be easy to just sit back and enjoy the ride, since trine aspects do not push us to make changes. Instead they invite us, beckoning through the open door, to participate with their energies. To take full advantage of this golden opportunity, we must get up out of our rocking chairs and take the initiative in some way.
THE NEW MOON that begins our week is also powerful, being aligned with the star Sirius. Mystic Alice Bailey has called Sirius “a vast expression of divinity,” “the great star of initiation,” the source of wisdom,” and “the transmitter of truth.”
Sirius acts as the conduit for those energies that awaken us to higher consciousness. With the Sun and Moon in alignment with Sirius to begin our new lunar cycle, the potentials of this month are multiplied.
RETROGRADE MERCURY is also aligned with the Sun and Moon in the New Moon chart, and all three planets are squaring Uranus. Uranus is the Great Awakener, and in square aspect to our New Moon requires that we open our minds to new information.
During this lunar cycle, we will be challenged to break old habits of thought and belief. With the New Moon in Cancer, many of these patterns may have been with us since childhood, inherited through our family of origin.
THE SABIAN SYMBOL for the New Moon inspires another level of anticipation for what we may create this month:
“The unfoldment of multilevel potentialities issuing from an original germ: The life urge to actualize one’s birth potential.”
If you are in the process of redefining yourself and your life purpose, based on a reconnection to your soul’s truth, you are right in alignment with these energies! It will be helpful to use Mercury’s retrograde phase (until July 20) to do some of the inner work of reconnection, review, and clarification that will most support us going forward.
This inner work will position us well for making important decisions and changes in late July and early August, when more choice points become apparent.
Thank you!
I challenge you
I challenge you to look into Pam's picture and not be affected by her radiance.
When I do I cannot keep myself from smiling no matter what.
Pam we love you and love what you share with us every time you do