Ashtar ~ We Shall Empower Freedom,
Peace & Abundance~
"Greetings, Beloved Family! When next we gather we shall be discussing the ultimate goals, or perhaps we should say, accomplishments, of all of the co-creations we have been joining in for these past years in your time. This is the re-awakening of that which has always been the ultimate plan for Planet Earth, which is your Homecoming to the lifestyle you enjoyed before you lowered your vibrations into the density of 3D. We are, of course, speaking of the re-entry of your consciousness into permanent residence in the higher dimensions!
"So, we shall be focusing upon some of the prerequisites, as it were, for the conditions which are supportive of your achieving your Ascension. The first of these is Freedom. As the human kingdom awakens to the ways in which the many have been controlled by the few, it is necessary to remove all of the blockages and restrictions which have been deliberately put into place by the dark ones. Thus, we are assisting in removing from power, not only the dark ones themselves, but all of the programs by which they have exercised such control.
"Also important to achieve is Peace. We are not only speaking of Peace among nations, but of Peace between two or more beings. When people are engaged in any kind of war, there is no way that they can focus upon living in higher dimensional ways. They are literally sucked into the very depths of 3D, where fear and all of its outgrowths thrive and disempower them.
"Now we come to Abundance. Abundance is always present in the higher dimensions; indeed lack is unknown. It has been in the 3D experience that lack has thrived, and indeed still exists worldwide today. Lack has many forms, and it can exist in all aspects of the human energy fields. Indeed lack, and the perception of lack - or having less than - has been a basic food for the ego. It has resulted in wars and enslavement throughout eons of time. It is Abundance for all, with the Freedom and Peace to enjoy it, which is the evolving lifestyle for Planet Earth on its Ascension path, and the key to achieving all of these is NESARA!!!
"So, Beloved Family, we shall be doing a most high vibe Exercise to co-create even more Abundance, Peace and Freedom for yourselves and for the entirety of Planet Earth. We shall have a most inspiring guest speaker, and together we shall rise to an even higher level of empowering all of the gifts, resolutions and healings which NESARA brings!!! Namaste and Salut!"
Given through Susan Leland, October 16, 2011.
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