by John McIntosh
Each one has a Passion within that longs to be expressed. To live authentically we must reveal what that Passion is and Live it – NO MATTER WHAT. The Joy we yearn to experience can only flow through this genuine expression.
Deep within ALL expressions of Passion is the Divine Discontent that is our `crumb trail` Home … back to the Knowing of Who We Truly Are. It is the ever constant itch we feel that there IS something more to Life. As we allow ourselves to really FEEL this itch, it becomes more present in our Awareness, more powerful in its pull toward Home and transforms from the itch into a thundering velvet magnetism we cannot ignore.
For many, at first, this itch draws them into a deeper awareness of the seeming dichotomy of life. The sense of Truth is growing within but along with it a deeper awareness of what appears to be a lack of Truth in their experience of Living. Social injustice seems to be everywhere and that fire is difficult for most to resist stepping into in some way.
For a long while it can feel like they MUST DO SOMETHING to help change the world and they step into cause after cause attempting to remold conditions for the betterment of humanity and the planet. This could be called a period of spiritual Social Activism.
It is the Intention at the core of this activity – the deepest Passion underpinning this drive that brings about REAL change. This is rarely recognized for a long while until over and over again the results that emanate from such efforts continue to fail to align with the picture they have framed in their mind.
The reason is also the cause of all suffering … the continued belief in separation. As long as the belief is held that we are the body-mind and each an individual in that sense, separation and its offspring – judgment, results.
If a Social Cause has fulfilled every single goal it set out to achieve … locally or globally, micro or macrocosmically, personally or collectively … the continued presence of separated thinking and the judgment it contains will always taint the results and the dis-ease that was set out to be healed will creep back into the scenario – disguised as something else. History is laden with the evidence of revolutionary change on every front degradating back into its original condition in another form.
Nevertheless, it is this very frustration that eventually clears the table of all outside attempts to change human and world condition in favor of Self Discovery.
The focused Attention of Who You Really Are brings up crystal clear the very images you attempted to change as ever present beliefs held within that are less than Who You Are.
These are blocks or veils that … in many cases have been far too difficult to look at and have been projected out into YOUR PERSONAL WORLD and focused upon as things that need to be changed.
That very focused attention EXPANDED the experience of these conditions and validated your belief in them – an endless loop that creates enormous personal suffering on a multitude of levels.
Eventually, through some crisis … be it a so called accident, life threatening disease, personal loss such as a child or spouse or perhaps financial ruin … you hit bottom where the possibility of surrendering all control presents itself. That is the Moment when Freedom is less than a breath away if you embrace the appearance of tragedy as the blessing it is.
When, with deep and sincere longing, you ask for help … not as a victim but as an empty shell devoid of wants and desires, save one - Who AM I – the floodgates of Truth open and Freedom beckons with open arms.
The sting of desolation may remain for a while but a feeling of LIGHT-NESS overtakes you and you Know … something beautiful is happening … it is the Passion of Self Discovery.
Once you step into the fire of Self Discovery … which does not burn you only what you are not does it consume … belief after belief will fall from your cherished collection of life descriptions until you are totally empty … even of your personal identity. This emptiness reveals Who You Are where no blocks remain as blinkers to your inner Vision.
Your Greatness is like a blinding Light as you Know – not believe or have faith in – but Know You Are God … You Are All That IS … You Are Free and always have been – You Are Peace and have never been without IT … You Are One (as) everything … not merely (with) everything.
The experience of this Knowing is beyond words and beyond all concepts you have had of What Life Is or could be.
Now, in the New Era of The Golden Age … everyone has this opportunity to experience the Truth of Who They Really Are and right Now in front of you – immediate, without long practices and disciplines.
It’s a Choice … once made … IT … WILL … SHOW … YOU … THE … WAY.