July 10, 2013 · by stevenswisley · in Uncategorized ·Edit
Limitations and Boundaries:
What limitations do you set on your-self, on others? Why…?
So, we all are graduating from something!
Wow! 21 turning 22 all ready…?
My 22nd is 8/8/2013
4 years in college, h.s and m.s… and pre-shit!
What the shit did I just learn??? LOL
Been thinking about meditation lately…
Well, been thinking about it for almost 22 years, NOW! LOL
Everyone I used to know is about to graduate from college, getting married, finding careers, basically determining the rest of there life
Simply said, shit is getting real! LOL
Well, friends, family, feelings… memories fade and grow, pull, push and break like waves of energy in motion.
Hold on or let go?
Enjoy the ride, cry like a baby?
I try to let go of nothing and remember everything at the same time… Is that possible? LOL
Seems they haven’t reached absolute zero degrees yet? But have they found an absolute infinite or what is the hottest thing you can imagine? Is that possible? LOL
I prefer ‘Maximum Chillocity’
To me, family and friends are anyone I am comfortable being with; whether it be sitting next to me or on the other side of the planet!
Bees, spiders, puppies, kittens…
LOL? What is fear but perspective?
“tonight, we are young, so let’s set this world on fire!”
I consider all energy on this planet, all the energy in this universe and every universe to be my family.
What is community?
how many points to make a circle?
LOL, how many u want?
“choose one, double your money to make it fun”
What is work, exercise, recreation?
Taking, giving, sharing?
What is money but more energy?
How do you choose to use yours?
Every choice, Future, Past and Present:
If all the energy was yours, how would YOU use it?
Who chooses…?
Do you let someone else make your choices? Why?
Free will? Co-creation?
Deal the cards and put on a poker face!
Does it matter what the cards are?
How good can you bluff and how well do you know the people you are playing with?
Are you scared?
Are you excited, ecstatic and overflowing in joy?
Maximum Chillocity?
I wanna play with YOU!
“forever young, I want to be forever young, do you really want to live forever, forever YOUng…?
Peace and love, steve
Let me know if you wanna talk or meet up sometime!? Call or text my number is 5306132515, email is stevenswisley@gmail.com
I’m back in Auburn California now and north in the Redwoods July 20-29
So, what is meditation again?
Oh yeah! LOL
To me, it feels like every breath I take, all the energy expands and contracts around me! That’s weird huh, yeah, I guess it must be flowing through me as well, but only if I allow.
“Invictus-Unconquerable, I have the will, the volition to be the master of my soul!”
To begin with:
Is your heart beating? Check!
Energy from the center of Earth and Energy from the center of Sun come together and meet in MY center. Energy from the center of every vibration, every universe an every center, to my center, to every center.
always breath: expand, contract pause and repeat
Respect and Responsibility for every Thought, feeling, being every choice future past and present.
Who am I, who are YOU?
Smile for the Camera because none of this is staged!
‘God is equal, as creation is freedom in love’
NOW, make YOUr next choice…
It’s summer, have some fun! ; )) Make YOUr voice heard
Be Still And Know That I AM GOD, -For Montana, rest in peace
peace and love, steve