Below is an extract from The Spirit of White Cloud
WHITE CLOUD ’s group on this site
Q. White Cloud, recently in Australia we have experienced what we call a crop circle formation up here in Queensland. I would just like to ask what effect that has had on our land here and if it was a genuine crop circle formation?
WC.It was. It is a very complex subject to even begin, my friends, because much of it has to do with microcosms that are out of the vibration of your realm. I show to Blossom a vision of a very large magnet that is in the shape of a horseshoe. As one Knows it would attract pins and certain metals to itself. Imagine a magnet of vast size, and placed all around in many scattered areas are large piles of pins. It is a question of how this magnet is conducted and what pattern it takes to attract the pins from each place towards it. One is aware that when one sees on your screens for example . or in a picture book . the layers and different shapes that the grass or the fields have been laid in, I have to say in Truth, it is an impossibility for one upon your earth plane to imitate. It is very simple to detect the difference in the two. These formations are not, as some people deduce, from the landing pads of a ship outside of your realms. If you were to look at some of these formations, what a very strange ship it would be. It is a magnetic force that allows these formations to take place. It is a magnetic force that is not always within the vibration of your earth plane. There is a certain force of attraction that allows the outer force to mingle with the force that is within, in order for this shaping to take place. These occur on certain dates. If the conditions were not acceptable within the earth, then it would not take place. I may say that this has occurred. Many of these symbols that come down to you have to be aborted sometimes, because it was not correct with what they thought was happening underneath. It is for you 'earthlings' to wonder at such phenomena. For many who are interested and study this particular subject, they are trying to perhaps work out what these particular markings may mean. It is not for them to decode. These symbols are not there for you to decode. They are there for others to view. It is not that the others need to decode them, it is within their Knowledge. It is part of a map if you like. If there were a set of boy scouts and they each had different camps and each group was given a particular exercise to accomplish involving a journey or such like, it could be that one group would come across a certain formation that is suitable for their particular exercise and receive from it, the information that their group required. It could be that another little set of chappies are walking along, and they would Know that if they entered into that same formation ... I show as if they would receive electric shocks, because that particular formation was not suitable for that group. They have to continue on the route until they find the formation that is correct for them. I say to Blossom, these formations are full of information for the group that is designed to take in that information, and are able to scan that formation in order to gain the Knowledge that is necessary. It is all part of the plan, if you like, regarding where each group must be situated when the turning point comes. Although it is an integration, it would not be that one day we are on the earth and the next day we are all intermingled in all these dimensions, that would simply wipe everything out of play. It is a gradual process. It is necessary for these certain groups. It is necessary that those energies be set at certain places throughout your world, in order for when it is coming into the balance of the new world, not to rock the earth off its axis, because of the intensity of the changes within the atmospheric vibration. Is that all right for now?'