- through Wes Annac-
We speak to you all with the exuberant, melded-together energies of the Pleiadian High Council and our collective of Masters. Our collective of Masters is speaking at the forefront of this communication in this moment, but the impressions coming through are ours as well as those of our dear Pleiadian counterparts.
We wish to address the disbelief in some that Galactic beings can exist alongside with us Masters or with Angelic beings. Humanity has so very much to learn about us souls existing in the various higher dimensions you’re growing back toward as a collective.
There’s so very much for you to learn about the myriad ascended beings, collectives and civilizations who exist in these brimming higher dimensions, and we and so many others will delightfully be on your world in the immediate time ahead to help you see the diversity of the beings assisting in your evolution.
Humanity is going to learn so very much, that that the limitations set in place by the majority of souls on your world are going to be, for more or less, diminished.
An Open-Minded Understanding
The science-fiction mindsets that have rendered so many ideas or topics so unbelievable on your world will be replaced with an open-minded understanding that nearly everything important for you to know has been hidden from you and given a fictitious mindset.
Humanity has been programmed to go against ideas that will aid you in your evolution, and this has been assisted by the media as it’s established on your world today. Ideas of the benevolent Galactic beings assisting in the ascension of your planet have been dwindled-down into ideas of scary fictitious alien invaders, or considered as “fringe” ideas.
It’s unfortunate indeed, as these beings are so very close with your world and have so very much to teach the collective of humanity in the way of advanced technology and understanding the mechanics of your Galaxy and Universe.
There are numerous ascended civilizations right in your cosmic backyard; stationed right outside of your Earth and anxiously awaiting your understanding of them and your belief in the reality of their presence.
These beings have so very much Love and compassion, wisdom and empathy to share with humanity, but their presence has been denied and ridiculed. We do not say this in a disconcerting or negative way, but this is simply the state of affairs on your world regarding your Galactic brethren.
We speak of such things in part to help each of you shine your perceptive Light onto them, as we seek to help you understand the reality of the presence of your Galactic brethren, as well as their interest in your planet for so very long and their desire to help you evolve into purer states of consciousness.
The Pleiadian High Council wish now to step to the forefront of this communication, and we will gratefully step aside to allow them to come forth and present themselves.
The Pleiadians Speak
With immense appreciation to the dear Ascended Masters, we are the Pleiadian High Council. We have been present during this communication, adding our own energies and bits of insight into what the dear Ascended Masters have given.
We do indeed possess an enormous Love for your planet and for each of you absorbing this communication, and the fact that you’ve been able to break through the aforementioned instilled barriers and find a belief in the reality of our presence, is astounding indeed.
The Earthly experience has kept many souls feeding into the barriers mentioned by the dear Ascended Maters, as you’ve grown up in conditioned societies and, in many cases, have had your ideas of reality fed to your collective through your mainstream media.
When an awakened soul looks around your reality, they can see the many things that seem nearly designed to hold them back and keep them feeding spiritually-drained states of consciousness.
We, the dear Ascended Masters and a plethora of other beings and collectives have focused so very much of ourselves on the evolution of humanity and on getting you to understand your evolution from behind the scenes, and we’ve utilized scribes and channels nearly endlessly to help inform you of your ascension into purer states of consciousness.
Even plenty of awakening souls who perhaps believe in or could become open to the reality of our presence around your planet, still are not opened-up to the idea that we would choose to communicate with humanity.
Attempts to Introduce Peace
Some souls entrenched in mainstream ideologies and viewpoints on your world would assume us only to attempt to make official contacts with developed governments if we are truly real, not knowing that we’ve met with your governments and attempted to help bring-about world peace and prosperity on your world for all, numerous times.
Numerous times they’ve declined, and so we’ve taken it upon ourselves to assist you in your evolution by connecting with as many awakened Earthly souls who can find an open and steady connection to our energies and impressions, as possible.
The manner in which we communicate with humanity is necessary for your advancement and growth as a species.
We will indeed be on your world when the veils of suppression and secrecy surrounding our existence have been seen-through by all of humanity, but for the time being, we seek to assist you in your growth by helping you expand your channels, in the form of offering you our energies and impressions.
We do indeed see our communication with humanity as important to our overall mission, and the largest facet of the giving of our energies to you for you to absorb, is just that; an energy exchange. We seek to help you reach purer states of consciousness and to that extent, the energies we give, which our impressions and communications are embedded unto, give you an energetic “helping hand” of sorts.
In an energetic sense, the impressions we’re giving-off as our scribe receives such impressions through the heart and makes a mental interpretation of them, are brimming with massive amounts of pure Source energy for you to absorb, that’ll help you seek and find the higher dimensions in yourselves exponentially.
You’re Actively Channeling Us
Those who read our communications and those of various other ascended beings and collectives are actively channeling our energies through themselves when doing so, which is why we’ve long said that you can find a connection with us and act upon that connection if you truly wish to.
Souls who read our communications are left with our lingering energies, which hang around within them and help to purify their chakras.
Energy stays where it’s fed into and as such, our energies and impressions remain within each of you who absorb our communications. Quite honestly, you could never have to absorb a communication from us again, through this scribe or any others, after reading our messages only once.
By the end of your reading of that communication and your absorbing of our energies for that particular frame of time, our impressions will be able to stick with you in ways that’ll see you able to actively pick-up on them and channel us yourselves if you wish to, without ever having to read another channeled communication.
Of course, we don’t discourage absorbing channeled communications, but we and so many others wholeheartedly encourage discernment with everything one is given.
Discernment will see you well on your way to finding what works for you in the avenue of channeled messages, spiritual writings or anything else, and will see you able to let whatever doesn’t resonate with you in your heart space, simply be.
You’re the Citizens of the Free and Sovereign Earth
Discernment is a wonderful thing indeed, and we speak of discernment in part to encourage breaking away from mainstream mindsets concerning so many areas of your society; to be discerning of them.
We wish to help you understand the distortions that have taken place in your reality; not so that your emotions or moods can be brought down when thinking of them, but so you can recognize them for what they are and work to arise, physically and spiritually, and proclaim your sovereignty from the false reality that’s been created in an effort to continually distract and pacify humanity.
You’re the citizens of the free and sovereign Earth, and this will become more than apparent when the bulk of work to repair your Earth begins to be performed by humanity.
We and so many others will be with you to lend helping-hands and to share our sentient technologies in an effort to help you perform much of what needs done, relatively easily. We will, for the most part, watch from the sidelines as you repair your dear Earth, as you’ve always been meant to do.
Some souls on your Earth, when thinking of the possibility of our existence around your world, may take to a mindset of assuming we’d attempt to steer your evolution ourselves or invade your collective freewill measures with an overwhelming presence, but truly, we do not seek to do such things.
We’ve worked for so very long under the freewill perimeters we’ve been allotted, as humanity is meant to experience everything you Create for yourselves and, in this very moment, actively recognize and purge the influence of darkness from your world.
This will come about in the form of realizing what you perceive to be darkness for what it is; just a varying shade of the Light energy.
You’re all Lighted
Everything is comprised of the ultimate energy of Love, and this includes those who’ve hurt others on your world in a massive effort to feed the distorted states of consciousness they’ve been taught to believe are heaven.
We speak of those souls who’ve been referred to as the cabals; the Illuminati; there are various labels for these individuals. They’ve sought to feed the realms of fourth density-negative by manifesting widespread sacrifice and hardship, and have assumed themselves all-powerful and of a purer consciousness than the general populace of your Earth.
They’re learning in very hard ways at present, that they’re no different from the rest of the souls on your world. You’re all Lighted beings at your core; even those who seem to have extinguished their Light in favor of working for a fallen angel who’s returned to the side of the Light.
Luciferianism will be understood by your collective in the time ahead, as that belief system has ignited the cabals into doing the bulk of what they’ve done. We’ll forever encourage forgiveness of the cabals and of the cabal-heads when learning of everything they’ve done, as vengeful mindsets will only feed the lower states of consciousness we know you’re all so very ready to grow away from and transmute.
We’ll turn this temple over to the dear Ascended Masters now, for the conclusion of this communication. We offer you each our Love in every moment, and we’ll be with you far after the issuing of this communication, as expressed above.
Our Love is of a pure fifth-dimensional nature, and it’s here for you to actively pick-up on and express in any and every moment.
The Ascended Masters Conclude
We express the purest of gratitude to the dear Pleiadians, for their energies and the information they’ve given for this message.
We trust that you can feel the pure energies beginning to descend down unto you now, and as you feel these energies, know that they’re being sent with an understanding of the difficulties that have blocked many awakening souls from finding blissful states of consciousness.
We’re here for you as well, to offer solace and guidance in every moment. As we make our final impressions for this joint communication, we as well as the dear Pleiadians express that your perception of us and of the realms of full consciousness are only to grow more than they already have, from here on out.
Feel the Love we’re offering you, now and in every moment, because we send it with clear intent and purpose. We send it with the intention of opening your minds, your hearts and all of your chakras; even those you have no idea you possess.
You have at your use, so many links to the higher dimensions and to us. Recognize your ability to pick-up on our impressions and communicate with and exist in the higher dimensions, for you’re making your triumphant return to these realms after lifetimes spent in perceived Earthly solitude.
Thank you so very much to the Ascended Masters, and to the Pleiadian High Council. You have the sincere appreciation of the Earthly Ground Crew.
Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia
Dear Wes
Thank you for your persistence with bringing these messages to us all.
They said: "Souls who read our communications are left with our lingering energies, which hang around within them and help to purify their chakras."
This is so true. Then: "Energy stays where it’s fed into and as such, our energies and impressions remain within each of you who absorb our communications."
Below I will give some examples of what remaining lingering-energy-impressions have been impressed into us all for so very long now.
Then: "We and so many others will be with you to lend helping-hands and to share our sentient technologies"
At least they didn't rub it in so much this time as this has been done now to us for years and we STILL don't have this tech from them. Don't know how you feel about it but I for one hope not to hear of it again until it's time to unwrap my gifts (Their technologies).
Please do me and my people a very large favor at this point in our linear timeline.
If any One would know who is behind so many of the ones that continue to give us dis-information, it would be the "REAL ETs," right?
I will give you a few examples of blogs and post by those who claim to be with the Ones that you just channeled, and what they have said to us with dates. Wes, please have your Ones get back to us on this important topic. Thank you.
1. AA Raphael thru M. Gamma, 5/18/13 "Only a view more days to go and you will see the first signs in the heaven. Signs that can’t be denied or put aside. Signs that your science nor your government can’t deny. It will truly be a wonderful sign that your divine Father will send to you. It will be of such unspeakable beauty that you will be close to tears. It will touch you, it will inspire you and will accompany you in the ascent, which is now very close, I can assure you that your beloved humans. It will finally have an end to the long waiting time, which challenged you. You could you not hear these terms anymore: “as soon, very soon, in just a short time” just to name a few."
2. AA Raphael, thur M. Gamma: 5/25/13 "We are always with you and very soon, and by that I mean YOUR soon, we are all united again." 3rd time now in May.
3.Jelaila of www.aweber.com/t/GsvvO on GFP 2/22/13 "They" said that by now the major events as in disclosure/NESARA etc will have happened???
I understand this one does not claim to be ascended One, thank God.
5. Ron Head w/AA Gabriel and Michael: Posted 6/9/13 "We wish you to know that that which you have worked for so long, and with such dedication, has now commenced. You have been informed of this from other sources, as well, and we confirm for you that this information is correct. The freedom, abundance, prosperity, and total transformation of your world, which you have prayed for these last thousands of years, and which has been incomprehensibly denied you, is now to be yours."
6. Ashtar thru Phillip Schilieger 3/1/13 "Our Creator is full of joy, happiness and love for you and is so proud of your development. His project "Playfield Earth" is coming to a successful close. This grace period until September 2013 was not easy to provide you with. The timing is perfect and no delays will be allowed. The outside events which we have referred to and which show humanity that Disclosure is here are on your door step and will happen very shortly. And by this, we mean “soon” in your language."
7. Ashtar thru Phillip S. 6/16/13 "You were told, that the transformation of your financial system is a done deal and only waiting for implementation. As well you were told, that the dark ones have no more power to delay or to prevent this any more. This we can confirm and you will also see, why this is so important. In the next days and weeks you will learn more about it and even better, you will experience it. We are looking forward to see, how you rub your eyes in disbelief, asking yourself: "Is this really there? Am I dreaming?" I, Ashtar, tell you this? Because this joy that you will experience with the introduction of the new financial system is absolutely critical and the basis, that disclosure can take place."
This info was given to us last year for prep to the ascension that was to happen 12/02/12.
8. Ashtar thru Phillip Schlienger by Steve Beckow “And from your point of view the most wonderful thing is, probably, that we are talking about weeks and not years until this fundamental transformation of your economic system gathers speed and becomes apparent to everyone. And if this stone is rolling, you can also be assured that Disclosure will not be long in coming.”
9. SaLuSa thru Madad, 6/29/13 "Next week should bring even more for you to see and believe, that your time in darkness is soon to be over. G8 summit will prove that all the right people are on their places for financial system to be changed."
Next week is gone and I've nothing more of this, what a surprise??
10. SaLuSa thru Phillip S by Steve Beckow 7/9/13 "The evidence of Sierra Neblina and the crop circles is that August 4, 2012 is the divine deadline by which the free will of world leaders to delay and obstruct Disclosure of the galactic presence comes to an end."
This one of course was the empowerment by Heaven's Divine Decree to the Ones you channel to take "DISCLOSURE" into Their Own Hands nearly one year ago???
11. St Germain thru Meline Lefont 4/14/13 “Have faith in the Nesara project and in Disclosure, it will all benefit you greatly and it will take place when the collective hearts are ready for it. And that is what is transpiring now and, as a lot has already taken place and is occurring behind closed doors, it can happen in any moment of the NOW.”
"Any moment NOW??? This was given last April???
12. SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian High Council. WesAnnac.com 5/17/13 "We will be and have been with you in your inner-realms and so very soon, we will be able to be with you on the ground. Then, the real celebrations can begin."
13. The Great Divine Director thru Rev Christine Meleriessee 6/18/13 "What you ask for, you will receive." and much more about our gifts, powers ativating on this day including Gaia's 3-fold flame activation. And we are to physically feel it."
Thought this would be enough to give you and the audience an good insight on what has been told to us just this year, 2013, take this times the messages of like kind in the previous years. I do have more for this year if you would like to see them and loads of them from previous?? Just let me know.
And not to worry, I will continue to keep you and all out there posted on my research until this kind of disinformation is exposed by the very Light that you and Yours continue to refer to. We are about to come to the end of another year and what of this nature that has been promise will we see this time, none of again?
And as far as "disbelief" I have none of that at all what-so-ever about this fact. I have a prediction of my own for you. "I predict that within the next "days, weeks, months and years" we will hear repetitively ahead of each and every significant change of the planets as in Equinox etc. and special dates as in Thanks Giving, Christmas etc. to "hold on to our hats" in so many words that the "EVENTS" are on the way, just around the corner, soon, shorty and or imminent." And I will go so far as to add to that, that the ones left here not destroyed by natural disaster etc will awaken in 2014 after all the false promises to see that absolutely none of the major "events" happened.
The cabal are so slick and as far as loosing their power, my friends, not that I see, they have the ETs on Their knees to either our laws of free will restraint or the hundreds if not thousands of war-ships they have built with our funds since the 40s. It is not the fear the ETs will invoke of us by landing on ground, it is the fear that they will loose many to the war they will become involve in and They don't know what to do about it, or these messages are the cabal, or assigned by them in many cases, to keep us in the game they have prepared us for. Especially the 13 examples that I have presented for my case of what is keeping yo all in "HOPE" Your Honors.
Have a nice space day and we, well, we will just do what we have been doing and wait for someone out there that has the balls to stand up to the truth and get these "darkies" off our planet.
I will be glad to have a forgiving heart to them all, but I don't care for them to inhabit the same turf that I do no matter how rehabilitated they may been in the "Light Chambers" after raping, molestation, tourcher, stealing from, and murdering millions of my people.
And that's my final offer. All rise. Court adjourned.
Thank you for your support~
David Porter
Author of the series