When, at some level of Consciousness – usually unconscious in the beginning – you choose to make the ‘great turn’ toward the Light of Truth … the split mind ego becomes very alert to the danger that its hold on your attention will soon fall.
It will no longer come through the front door and dons many subtle disguises that mask its false identity as that of Light Bearer. Extreme vigilance or ruthlessness with yourself is required to detect these masquerades.
Words like humility and service, saving the world, tolerance and forgiveness hold the hidden and subtle suggestion of superiority … separation masked as higher knowing.
The Enlightened never speak of ‘saving’ anything … They know nothing was ever or could ever be lost … only veiled. They are Aware that they Are and have always been God – individuated as the I AM Presence. They Know that God ‘IS’ One … not a collection of ‘we’s’ somehow gathered together to make a Oneness.
They Know that that One is both ‘in’ everything seen and unseen but also ‘IS’ everything seen and unseen and as such they do not ‘have’ anything but ‘ARE’ everything [as well as no-thing].
They Know that ALL will eventually Awaken to this Knowing and do not sit in some lofty perch forgiving so called evils, tolerating villains, comforting victims or segregating the righteous from the dark ones. These concepts are all made up fantasies created by God in disguise to control God in disguise during It’s sojourn into unconsciousness of Its True identity.
The pathless-path back to the Conscious Awareness that You ‘ARE’ God – the I AM Presence [now so easily attainable in the New Energy] is simply choosing this … standing forth and proclaiming boldly that You ARE This … You ARE God [by whatever name is comfortable to you] … and continuing to do so NO MATTER WHAT. Whatever veils this Truth from your unbroken Conscious Awareness will then be brought up quickly for you to embrace ‘as’ God in disguise and be Transformed back into Truth by the I AM Presence.
The split mind ego has no idea how to transform anything into Truth nor does it have the slightest desire to do so. This is why the multitude of so called ‘healing’ modalities – in the hands of the unconscious – never Awaken anyone … they simply rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.
This IS your True so called ‘work’ while still lingering in the slumber of the illusion of reality your split mind ego holds so dear ... Your ‘Own’ Awakening. Your Awakened Consciousness or Enlightenment will do more in an Moment than a million well meaning Lightworkers can accomplish in a lifetime.
Ahhh, The Sublime, Sweet, Pure Clarity
This kind of clarity used to be quite exceptional but lately the collective consciousness is evolving into this awareness and so too the messages align with this transcendence. More milestones along the path. It's beginning to look like a freeway.