Thank you all for assisting in the St. Louis mission yesterday, as well as this entire journey process.
Starting in the California state, Mt. Shasta was assisted in releasing the “old Light worker paradigms not serving any more” energies. This mission was followed up with and buttressed by the Andrew Bartzis/Julien Wells conference of “new paradigm aligned” Galactics.
Then through Oregon (briefly), followed by Utah, namely Moab, we helped release and clear massive fire (heat) energies that were waiting for assistance to break free from the old paradigm of dark intention. This led to effects visible in the weather where cooling moist winds came in to replace the dry heat.
This was followed up by the “pass through Independence Pass” which appeared to manifest with the “People’s Movement for Independence” in Egypt. At least that was one manifestation. There may have been others.
Then the entire Aspen piece was capped with the Maroon Bells mission. Greening of the planet (on all levels) was the key. As well as, I just now realized, ringing the ‘Mission Bells’ of freedom for the planet. Whatever that means.
On to St. Louis, which involved a grand clearing of old “big city” paradigms, and further dissolution and realignment of “big corporations in it for themselves and not aligned with the best interests of the Planet” energies (namely, ‘Thank you, Monsanto, for re-aligning yourself’).
All of the large cities I (we) passed through, were assisted to clear these old paradigm energies.
So now, I am in the Midwest for a bit of a “mission rest”, and will resume the Turtle Island Journey when, and as, Guidance moves.
Will I end up in “a single place”? Don’t know.
Will I “settle down”? Guaranteed, no.
Will I (we) continue to follow the Joyful leading of Higher Guidance? Yes.