~ Thoughts on the dawn of 7th Day~
Let's begin by a quick analysis of where we are right now, October 17th, 2011. From the viewpoint of those of us, who have enjoyed a certain level of "normalcy" in our lives, things are anything but normal now! We can reason that, "no matter how hard we try to keep things stable, everything is still shaky", AND seems to be getting worse"! We can feel somewhat secure and try to take comfort, IF we planned for a rainy day, but what is going on in the world today, looks like a coming flood!
Unprecedented challenges face mankind like a car going downhill without brakes.. We can choose (even unconsciously) to feel fearful, hopeless and apathetic, defiantly shake at our fist and curse it all, thinking that "I'll never give up". These are valid reasonings when facing a chaotic world, but what happens when we hit the bottom of that hill? Are those our only choices? Absolutely not. There are choices we can make that make life under these circumstances delightfully pleasant.
~The 7th Day~
The 7th Day, is the 18 day period of time that started on October 11th, 2011 and ends October 28th. Its mid point is in a couple of days. Its signifigance is in the understanding of its structure and composition.
Eighteen days is like a blink of an eye, when comparing it to the length of the calendar that it tops off. The recorded stone message imprinted by the Mayan people, covers a time span of 16.4 Billion years, so a span of 18 days is not very long. This is the time we find ourselves in until October 28th.
According to Carl Calleman, this 7th day of the 9th Wave, is the "last" "7th day" to join the other previous 8 Waves, already in this "7th Day" time slot. This one in the 9th Wave, may be only 18 days long, but the one in the 1st Wave,was 1.2 billion years long. It is the first time in history that all 9 Waves share these same energies. All Nine Waves of the Mayan Calendar end on October 28th. This ends the Mayan Calendar. I realize this can be a bit perplexing and quickly viewed as New Age goblelygook, but Carl's findings seem in sync with current events, and that is what I wish to address in this essay.
This 7th Day is termed "The Unity Wave", as it absorbes all the energies of the past 8 Waves, into one final 7th Day period of 18 days, aimed at transforming the global heart of all Humanity into becoming aware of the unified consciousness of itself. That does not leave us much more than a week and a half as of this writing. Many already are beginning to realize this and with the exponential growth of the Occupy Wall Street energy, the whole world will take note.
It can be summerily described as the moment when a mother is about to deliver her child after nine months of gestation. The world's people, are like the child in the womb. They have dwelt in the darkness of separation from Source, void of direct contact with the Universal Light of day. Suddenly, mother is labored with pain and realizes the moment has arrived when the doctor tells her to push. The creation of the baby is over, and now it must be delivered. What the child looks like, will then be revealed at birth. Astrotheology bears witness to the physical demonstation of this, at this particular time (see Santos Bonacci).
Thats a rough example on how this 7th Day can be. High expectations of joy that it will soon be over, and experiencing the labor pains of not knowing.
Is it not remarcable that October 15th was labeled Occupy Together. A global movement has sprung up with the slogan "We are the 99%". A bit short of the 100%, but we must remember that "this was started in a left and right, them and us world". This is the 1%'s wake up call. It is evolving into the merging of opposites as a solution to a problem that both sides need to resolve. The choice is bloody conflict or peacefull resolution. "They" have the mechanized power, and the 99% have the empathy of the people and can now communicate. their plethora of demands. I don't think evolution intends to leave anyone behind though!
Of course, as usual, most will wonder what happened when the shift actually occurs, but the design of this change will make it pleasantly palatable for them to rejoice, when awakening into a New World order of their own making. It will deliver that which was only seen as "pipe dreams" in the past, but now they will find it in their experience. Not to hard to take.
Even the die hard Conservatives, whose very name means "hostile to change", will eventually relax into the tide of uplifting joy that their senses relay to their minds, as it stimulates their expressions of appreciation and bliss. They will get it when they see they have "lost" to a Benevolent Force that has the interest of All as Its agenda.
Of course, I do not know just how dramatic a change we shall see come October 28th, if any at all, but I do know that according to Carl Calleman, that date does end the Mayan Calendar. The time of its finish is the beginning of fusing its total creative energies on planet Earth. To me, this is very signifigant and a time I have awaited all my life. After that date, I will, like every other awakened soul, participate in co-creating our new world. It will be a grand time!!
Love and Peace,