Looking at Our Attachments

Lia's picture

          Namaste Dear Friends  ~

It was brought to my awareness about 20years ago about letting-go of attachments as they can be like a heavy stone tied with a rope around your ankles!    In other words, they can really hold one back.   I was fortunate to receive some teachings back then that opened up my spiritual world, both within and in outer life as well.   I was a nurse in a small private hospital at the time, and had my first awakening to the fact that every human is part of God/Source.  I decided to put this new awareness into action when I took care of my patients.   My approach to their personal care, such as bathing and shaving the men, turned into a sacred experience.   This is because I was mindful, the whole time, I was bathing an elderly patient.   It was the most heartfelt experience to see a human from the awareness of divinity.  It changed my whole life.

Some time down the track, another lesson was on "attachments."   Well, I had another part of me awakened to the fact that many of my family members were manipulating my life, trying to keep me "within their religious fold."    My father was a strict Catholic of Irish descent, and believed faithfully all that he was told the Priests.   He was always trying to "save" his six children from going to Hell because they stopped going to Church on Sundays!    In our house, it was on our knees every night in the lounge-room for rosary prayers.   When my sister started work she brought home a black labrador pup and he would often interrupt the prayers with his snoring!!   Quite hilarious!!    But, stopping his hold on me was one thing I really needed to do, and quick, especially since he was checking up on me even when I moved to the City to work in the Hospitals there.   Not a good look for the flatmate when Father arrives on the doorstep at 8am in the morning.

Over a period of time I did cut those paternal ties, but it doesn't mean you don't love your parent/s any less.   They are only following what they were brought up with.   Having lived in several places all over our State of Qld., and N.S.W., cutting those attachments were easier.   I discovered that my life could actually BE mine when the energies of parents and how they would like you to live is not following you around.  A very freeing feeling!  

Then I went deeper over the years and continued to cut attachments to this one and that one, and also my own self-made attachments to things and activities.   With the process we've been going through the past few years, many of us have been forced to 'let-go' as lower energy of addictions and attachments don't fit with moving into a higher frequency.   It's only when one is totally free of all attachments that clarity begins to make itself known.    We may think we are clear about our life and our beliefs, etc., but it's not until an inner-clearing has taken place that the real meaning of 'clarity' is known........and felt!

Life continues............and despite all of the traumas that life has brought, I am now in a place within that I call "Coming Home" to myself and also my Divine Self.   I have earned this space I am in now, the work has been more than worth it!!    We are not helpless human beings, we all have choice to let-go and free ourselves.   You will never regret it, once you have arrived. 

Have a great day,
love and oneness,

