Two New Crop Circles

Rain's picture

Source: Crop Circle Connector - July, 2013

Novokorsunskaya, Russia. Reported 9th July.



Emanuel Huza posted us this short video regarding a crop circle in Russia. I have no more details other than this. - 'Novokorsunskaya footprints in the fields of UFOs' - 'Новокорсунская следы на полях от нло' - 'UN CROP CIRCLE O AGROGRAMA EN Novokorsunskaya, Russia -Recent Video 9th of July,2013:


heart     heart     heart     heart     heart     heart     heart


Ustek, Czech Republic. Reported 11th July

Vlastimil Hempkeramika sends us this photo and reports to us this crop circle in Ustek in the Czech Republic. (Google translate)- 'There's a new ring! Nearby Úštěk the Litomerice in the. Perfect circle intersected in the golden section. Why in the near Úštěk discovered? Who created it? Everything is more than a mystery. Crop circles seen from the hill of Calvary, however, no one has exploreI leave... it to your opinion. Indeed, unlike the British circles is quite "ordinary".'


(Original Czech) Uštěk-Česká republika. Objevil se nový kruh! Poblíž Úštěku na Litoměřicku v Ústeckém kraji. PŘESNÝ KRUH PROTNUTÝ VE ZLATÉM ŘEZU. Proč se v poli u Úštěku objevil? Kdo jej vytvořil? Vše je více než záhadou. Kruh v obilí patrný z vrchu kalvárie však zatím nikdo neprozkoumal. Necháme to na vašem názoru. Ostatně narozdíl od Britských kruhů je dosti "obyčejný".'





Two observations:

DeSwiss2's picture

Two observations:

1) I've never seen any crop circle with a deep hole in the ground at the central axis of a circle as shown here.

2) I've never seen a crop circle's placement so close to a road that you can see cars passing by from the circle.They always seem to be placed in the middle of nowhere in particular.

Thank you Both!

Rain's picture

Thank you Both for commenting! Very interesting. We appreciate your input.

~ namaste