July 12, 2013 Ariah Velasquez
Today I speak about passive aggressiveness because it is frequently a choice when people are not in tune with their own wounding. It is the heart that longs for freedom, not repression, and when the egoic mind feels like it can’t control, or be the best, or get all the attention, or any other games that the mind will tell a person they need to play, then we as humans (when unconscious) will leave our true natures behind and attempt to harm. When thinking about being passive aggressive, we may justify it to ourselves, and say, “Oh this won’t really hurt anyone”, because it is subtle, so what does it matter? Yet, this is a very tiny view of the the Universe, Earth, and the multi-faceted existence we live in.
You see, every single action we take, has a reaction, whether seen or unseen. When we act from bitterness, and purposeful harm, we are only creating a world for ourselves where we attract and reflect the same things to come our way. This does not happen by retaliation, but from the nature of the Universe to be our reflection. The Universe will reflect what you put into it. It is easy to blame our lives on others, but when we begin to take responsibility for our actions, we actually do create a life of splendor and peace. When we realize every thought and action not taken from consciousness of our hearts wounds, is then displayed somewhere else in our life in the form of suffering, change occurs. It is said that what you put out there, comes back 10-fold. Imagine if all your wounds were dissolved with your awareness, so that only loving actions are what you exhibit in the world? How would your life look?
But what are loving actions? Many think loving actions mean you do what others need all the time. That is not true. If people need help, but they live there life constantly as a victim, then helping them would only serve to keep them in a painful cycle they have created. Therefore, love does not always come in the form many would like it to. It will come sometimes as truth, or even as a “no”.
What do you do if you are the recipient of passive aggressive behavior? Many feel safe exhibiting this type of behavior because it is covert, and so they feel they will never be called out on it. It may not be your job to call out the behavior. The Universe’s response to energy will do that. So, the best thing you can do is to realize first, the deep suffering this person must be in to spend their time and energy on trying to harm others. Not only have they had this behavior done to them many times, therefore they feel justified, but they also are quite disconnected from their source energy of light as well.
There a few things to do. One is to call upon the Supreme being of Earth. The Supreme being watches over Gaia, and intervenes giving healing without your needing permission. This is because our souls have actually already contracted and agreed to this before incarnation. We actually have asked the Supreme Being to step in when we lose our way. You can thus call the Supreme being for that person and see the light streaming out of a large glistening presence into the person’s crown chakra. You then ask that the light stream into their heart, and see this occurring. Next, you ask that this person receive whatever healing they are needing right now. If necessary, and if it makes sense, you also can remove yourself from the situation. You also want to specifically ask that whatever your soul wounding is that attracted this person to do these actions also be cleared. Ask that all contracts, and cords be cut NOW to any aspect of you that aligns with the frequency for which they send. And most importantly, call in the angels of forgiveness for yourself, for you past energies that now show up in the form of this person.
Another healing ritual you can do is to call about the Great White Brotherhood and SIsterhood of the Light. You ask for them to open up a coning. You then connect your higher self of the light to this coning. A coning is an energy that literally comes above you and your healing space, and pulls out negative, toxic energy. Next, summon the nature spirit Pan to connect to the coning. Pan helps maintain integrity in a healing process as well as acts as a bridge to Great White Brotherhood and Sisterhood. You then call upon the higher self of the person exhibiting the passive aggressive behavior to connect to the coning. They will connect because on the higher planes, all requests from the light is responded to for all is in service to light. Once all has been connected, you then summon any other deities of the light to connect to the coning that you resonate with. I often use the Ascended Master Jesus Christ, as well as the mighty Elohim of Divine Grace.
When the space is set, you begin to ask for clearing to occur. You name everything you think that needs to be cleared. Is it attacks, jealousy, blame, discord? Once you have asked for all of this to be removed, you then summon the deities to replace all that was removed with love, peace, whatever it is your desiring. Of course, they will not respond to request that are not of the highest divine light.
We are never victims. No matter what others do, we have the power to create a reality we want through consciousness and healing. When we realize all is multidimensional, this means, all souls have a spirit that is light somewhere. When you access the true nature of the person, intervention occurs, peace prevails. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe, and heals all. There is no darkness that trumps light and love. As long as you know this, you are always sitting one with God/Goddess.
We are one. Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister. http://www.blissfullifecounseling.com, http://blog.blissfullifecounseling.info,http://www.ariahvelasquez.wordpress.com
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