July 12, 2013 by Angel Wings and Unicorns
What is the one thing that you love to do that you always put off due to your obligations or because you are too busy?
We are not talking about something that costs a lot of money, but rather an easily accessible activity that you have a tendency to bump to the bottom of your list of priorities. It may be a day at the beach, gardening, visiting a museum, walking in nature, meditation, reading, or even just sleeping in.
We urge you to start to shift into greater self love and nurturing by committing to do that one thing for yourself this weekend. Pay attention to how that activity makes you feel. Do you feel luxuriously pampered? Does it feel rejuvenating? You will likely find that you are very much in the present moment, basking in the enjoyment of what you love and feeling great appreciation for it. Savour every moment of your activity, understanding how good it is for you and how doing what brings you joy connects you to self and to Source. Then pay attention to how you feel when you return to your normal life. You will see how you feel more patient, more grounded and balanced, more loving.
Dear Ones, we urge you to make your joy, your connectedness, something that is a valued and sacred part of your day to day life! It is absolutely integral to your happiness and well-being.
~Archangel Gabriel
I took time out of my day and just closed my eyes. I set aside twenty minutes to do this and I felt rejuvenated. I missed this part of my life. Taking time out of my day.......so necessary.