Do love yourselves before loving others – Archangel Raphael trough M. Gamma ~ 13.07.2013

Doreen Smith's picture

[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]

My beloved humans on earth. I am back again in order to submit to you another message through this channel-medium. Much is happening these days and I seize this opportunity to comment something thereto.

In the last days incredible amounts of light and love have been canalized into earth and of course also to you. There was some big amount of negative energy which could be eliminated – or expressed in a better way – transformed. Negative energies on earth are soon to become history resp. they already really are history.

The only one negative energy still existent is with those people still clinging to 3rd dimensional life and therefore they are glued to it. Those are the human beings not wanting to ascend and this is good too. Everybody may decide for him-/herself whether he/she wishes to do so or not. We are in support for every soul’s decision as it is some decision made and each one is a decision and we shall accept as it is.


Have you already made up your mind?

We now are arriving at some new topic in our discussion. As already mentioned in several messages in the past – based on all invitations from your part – we should like to increase our influence here. And as our heavenly father mentioned already in his message – we have to rely on you. Since we may increase our influence only with those having invited us. We have thereby – under all circumstances – always to take into our considerations the “Law of Free Will”.

With our message of today to you human beings we want to dwell on the topic of “Self-Love”. We do know that we messaged already a lot about this subject as it is a somewhat old subject. Although we have to state here that there are still many humans not having understood this wholly and it is time that you start undertake actions against it. You are always too serious and strict with yourselves – always striving to chastise yourselves. Please, stop this now and be good to yourselves, do love yourselves as you love your next neighbour. This must be interpreted in the right sense of what you read in your bible. It is of no use if you love your next neighbour only and forget about yourselves. Only once you are able to love yourselves you will succeed to love your “Vis-a-vis” in the real sense of it.

Without this kind of love which you must give to yourselves you will not be able to go on living and in this context I am meaning your soul. It is not capable to live in such a state as your soul knows only one matter which is love! Your soul is Love wanting to experience only Love. Be good to yourselves, be good to your soul, and you will become “healthy and happy” that I promise you. It is so simple but likewise difficult – my beloved humans here on earth!

Assume, please, that you may become healthy and happy once you will understand what all this is about. Assume, please, that everything will change around you by such new understanding – some real change with some probably great influence. We are in need of such influence since these are the energies needed for ascension i.e. it is love of each- and everyone and Love of the entire Mankind.

Be set and prepared to give love, be set and prepared to receive love which you deserve, my beloved humans. We do love ourselves. Do you comprehend what I mean? We do also love ourselves since this is the pre-requisite that we are able to love you.

And this is why we want you to understand and spiritualize it.

With so much and great Love to you.

Your Archangel Raphael


Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.





Von Badeem and M Gamma

David Porter's picture

"Whoever" is behind these printed words I question? I'll say why.

And for us down and out here would you be so kind as to do the same for us, that's question your source?

You or "whoever" said:

AA Raphael thru M. Gamma, 5/18/13

"Only a view more days to go and you will see the first signs in the heaven. Signs that can’t be denied or put aside. Signs that your science nor your government can’t deny. It will truly be a wonderful sign that your divine Father will send to you. It will be of such unspeakable beauty that you will be close to tears. It will touch you, it will inspire you and will accompany you in the ascent, which is now very close, I can assure you that your beloved humans. It will finally have an end to the long waiting time, which challenged you. You could you not hear these terms anymore: “as soon, very soon, in just a short time” just to name a few. To finish of this message I would like to give you something on your way. I would like to emphasize that you are responsible for your ascension and nobody else. When you have decided to join the ascension then be ready to take the ascension train. If you decide for yourself to cancel your path of ascension then your decision is honored."

The third word in your first sentence to us I'm confident was meant to be typed as "few," right?

Now you or "whoever" make more promises: "Be good to yourselves, be good to your soul, and you will become “healthy and happy” that I promise you."

And once again "we" get the blame for our choosing to be in the "free will zone."

But please don't stop there, allow me to remind you of yet another very firm promise of yours that came what we call "soon" after the preceding false promise to us:

AA Raphael, thur M. Gamma: 5/25/13 "We are always with you and very soon, and by that I mean YOUR soon, we are all united again."

Please do us all down here in the free will zone two favors.

1. Get back to your source and ask "him" or it what or who it really is if "it" even exist thru who ever or is this just an imposter channel?

2. And then find out why so many lies to us over time that has past "soon" a very very long time ago?

Oh, forgive me, but one last request. If you don't think that your channeled ones know what or when something will take place in our linear time lines, then please be so kind as to inform us of the incident AFTER it takes form in our reality.

If you do believe that they know when events will come, then that would actually be only "Creator Source of All That Is," that has that particular gift, if my understanding of it is accurate. Thank you so much for assisting me in informing the people that used to sleep on it or what is and what is NOT real on any plane of existence. The sheep are coming Home now in spite of the false prophets.

David Porter

Author of the series