Shelley's Note: Please note, these messages do not expire the day after they are posted. :) They are pertinent to the days, weeks and months ahead, and many are general spiritual guidance that would apply at any time. Please know that if you would like to read the daily messages on the day they are received, you can do so by liking Trinity Esoterics on Facebook, following us on twitter @trinityesoteric or checking our website
July 4, 2013
Following your joys and passions is one of the most important and powerful things you can do during your time in the body. You came onto the planet with those unique skills and interests in order to find your purpose, to navigate your life expression and to have your highest experience. Embracing those unique characteristics allows you to be your brightest shining you, and leads you to the life experiences that are most supported and joyous.
Choosing not to follow those urgings from your soul to please others, to fit in, to meet societal expectations or because you have been taught that it is somehow noble to deny oneself, is what has been causing humans great despair for many, many years. Humans have fought for freedom for centuries and then enslaved themselves with old, limiting belief systems that are equally painful.
Live, Dear Ones! Put your joys and passions first, knowing that is how your soul seeks to lead you. Live fully, assured that your specialties add to the beauty of your earth in ways that can never be duplicated or replaced. Allow your unique energies to shine brightly and add their glorious light to the New Earth you are creating. ~Archangel Gabriel
July 5, 2013
Today we wish to present you with some simple truths. You are so loved. There is nothing you could ever do that can stop this love we have for you. You are a piece of Source. There is nothing you could ever do that would result in you not being a beloved piece of Source. You are divinely perfect, exactly as you are. There is nothing you could ever do that would make you less than that, ever. You are brave, you are honoured, and you are a pioneer of light, on the ground as a creator of the New Earth. You are absolutely spectacular in your grace, your beauty, your tenacity and your mindfulness. ~Archangel Gabriel
July 6, 2013
Dear Ones, as humans, you have a tendency to make things more complicated than they need to be. Each day begins as a clean slate, with brand new energies for you to experience and create with. The vast majority of the time you are absolutely fine in those first moments you awaken - that is, until you really start to wake up and begin to think.
For many of you, troubleshooting starts the second your brain engages. You check in with your body, looking for aches and pains and signs of illness. You immediately think of your day, and often think of all the aspects of your day you don't wish to face. Before your feet even hit the ground, you are dreading your day and have energetically tainted it with focus of what you do not want.
Why not make a promise to yourself to pause, right when you awaken, and give thanks for all your blessings? Then, set your intention that your day will be absolutely wonderful. Surrender, and commit to flowing through your day with grace and ease and enjoyment, knowing it is unfolding for the highest good of all.
Think of it as having a magical day creating machine. By taking just a few moments to set your energetic dial to wonderful, you have turned on your magnetizer to attract all the elements that will make it so, and set the tone for what you would like to experience.
You all have this power, each and every one of you. Your lives would go so much smoother if you would simply stop polluting the energy of your day with the energies of the past and what you do not want! Love yourselves enough to start each day anew, with endless possibilities and joyful expectation. ~Archangel Gabriel
July 7, 2013
The human beings of light are now moving into a far more comfortable place of balance. Many of you have had poor boundaries and went from giving too much of yourselves into a state of being quite guarded, unsure of when helping was appropriate, too much or too little. Many of you have gone from being quite social creatures to retreating into your own cocoons, finding being around others to be too energetically challenging. Some of you have gone from having serious romantic relationships to living very solitary existences - many of you wondering if you will ever love again. Simply put, the energetic pendulum had swung wildly from one extreme to the other for a great many of you. You will all be happy and relieved to know that this intense purging cycle you have been going through has paved the way for you to balance out into a healthy medium that will much better suit who you have become energetically. It is from this firm foundation of authentic balance that you will be able to begin creating the solid, lasting, truly fulfilling, life expressions of your dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel
July 8, 2013
Many of the human beings on the planet are incarnate in order to be of service. Often times, this results in them being tremendously compassionate and forgiving towards others, while holding themselves to impossibly high standards. The time has come for you to celebrate yourselves and the difference you make on the planet! Further, your loving service must apply to ALL and that includes yourself. Many of you aren't sure how to be of service to yourself. It is simply applying the loving advice, nurturing, encouragement and forgiveness you so naturally give to others, to yourself. If you have something you are feeling bad about, think of what advice you would give a beloved who was in the same situation. Then take that loving advice and apply to self! And while you are at it, loosen up and have a little fun as well! You are all doing a remarkable job and it is time to move forward into the energies of joyful service for the upliftment of everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel
July 9, 2013
Practicing unconditional love for others, then denying, or even worse berating the self, is very old, out of balance energy. It is based on the old model of the martyr.
Unity consciousness, the very energies you are seeking to move into as you are creating a brand New Earth, requires equal love and concern for ALL. Considering yourself more spiritual, more sacrificing, more in service, less deserving or less accepting of any element would be perpetuating the very separation consciousness you are seeking to evolve beyond.
Dear Ones, you are the wayshowers. You are the ones who are blazing new trails and teaching by your wonderful examples. Why would anyone wish to follow a path that was filled with nothing but lack and self sacrifice?
You are all on the planet to move into your authentic power, to co-create, together, a world that is balanced and fair, that honours all, that has unconditional love and support for all life and is created by joyful service. You simply cannot support the whole and deny the one in these new energies. ~Archangel Gabriel
July 10, 2013
Dear Ones, many of you yearn for healing, or love, or to be rescued. Victim consciousness avoids stepping into authentic power by always waiting to be saved. You have everything you need to be your own hero! Order every cell in your body to cooperate and heal. Start practicing self love and appreciation until you fall deeply, madly in love with yourself. Nurture and care for yourself with all the tender concern you would give a small child. Appreciate yourself as a beloved child of God! Give your wounded inner child every last thing it could ever feel it missed and bolster its self worth with love and encouragement, vowing to always keep it safe and cared for. Do you see? You have every last thing you need to step forward as the whole, shining, glorious being you are and always have been. ~Archangel Gabriel
July 11, 2013
If you can accept that you are part of the greater whole, a beloved and vital aspect of Source, and that separation/powerlessness is only an illusion, you will start to finally, truly accept that you are everything you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel
July 12, 2013
What is the one thing that you love to do that you always put off due to your obligations or because you are too busy? We are not talking about something that costs a lot of money, but rather an easily accessible activity that you have a tendency to bump to the bottom of your list of priorities. It may be a day at the beach, gardening, visiting a museum, walking in nature, meditation, reading, or even just sleeping in.
We urge you to start to shift into greater self love and nurturing by committing to do that one thing for yourself this weekend. Pay attention to how that activity makes you feel. Do you feel luxuriously pampered? Does it feel rejuvenating? You will likely find that you are very much in the present moment, basking in the enjoyment of what you love and feeling great appreciation for it. Savour every moment of your activity, understanding how good it is for you and how doing what brings you joy connects you to self and to Source. Then pay attention to how you feel when you return to your normal life. You will see how you feel more patient, more grounded and balanced, more loving.
Dear Ones, we urge you to make your joy, your connectedness, something that is a valued and sacred part of your day to day life! It is absolutely integral to you happiness and well-being. ~Archangel Gabriel
July 13, 2013
If you can just stop for a moment, and be fully present, you will realize that the vast majority of the time, everything is quite fine. You give yourself the illusion that life is far less calm, or that you are far less provided for, by focusing your thoughts either on past events that were painful but are long gone, or with worry about the unknown of the future. Dear Ones, the magic is in the Now! If you can sit in full awareness and just BE, just for a few moments every day, you will begin to trust in this truth and will find yourself becoming far more relaxed and comfortable. If you can add in some gratitude for the abundance of blessings that are always all around you, if you only take the time to see, you will be truly stepping into your mastery. Two simple steps. Be fully present in the Now and practice appreciation. These steps are something you can do, quite easily, right now. They require no special skills, no specific course, no master teacher or investment of money or time to learn, and they are two elements that have the power to change your life profoundly. ~Archangel Gabriel
July 14, 2013
We understand that many of you, in your desire to be healthy and pleased with your appearance, practice dieting. For many of you the act of dieting is perceived as an act of resistance, and of denying self. You carefully measure and track everything you eat, practising self denial and then attempt to feel good about it. Most can keep up this practise for a short amount of time, but invariably the day will come when desire trumps denial. This is when most people will experience binging. Then after the binge, the person feels guilty about it and berates themselves and get back on the diet again, looping around in this cycle, time and again, with varying degrees of success.
The reason why this system does not work is because it is based on resistance. Resistance is an energy humans cannot stay in long term. Resistance, by its very nature, goes against the flow, and will always create discomfort.
As with many other human belief systems, your beliefs about food have become skewed over time. You perceive foods that have little nutritional value as being "comfort food", and indulging in them being a form of self nurturing, and perceive eating healthy choices as being your duty and a chore and, as such, far less enjoyable.
Dear Ones, it is time to throw that belief system out! See fueling your body with the healthiest, most vibrant foods as being not only the ultimate act of self love and nurturing, but also as supportive, vibrational adjustment. As you start to embrace the mindful choices as being luxurious, feeling gratitude for their sustenance and pampered by their support, you will stop resisting and that is when your relationship with food will evolve into something that is far more supportive, and delightful, than you have experienced thus far. As a wonderful result of that, your bodies will begin to shine and bloom as beautiful reflections of your new loving relationships with food and yourselves. ~Archangel Gabriel
July 15, 2013
Anxiety is an energy a great many humans are experiencing on your planet at this time. Anxiety is the result of being too focused on the unknown of your future, rather than being in the Now moment. It is also caused by being in accelerated flow without a firm foundation of faith, or before you have embraced stepping into your authentic power as a co-creator of your life expression. Think of how you would feel if you were in a runaway vehicle without any steering. That is exactly the energy of anxiety.
If you are experiencing anxiety in your life, we recommend that you first do some deep breathing to help bring yourself back into the present moment. Look around, truly look at your surroundings and the reality of your Now, and see that you are completely safe and sound. Then, call on your higher power with an affirmation such as, "God is guiding me now." It does not matter who you call on, so long as it is a being you feel an affinity for. Know such requests are ALWAYS answered. There is no right or wrong way to ask, so do not worry about getting it wrong. If you have a large task in front of you, focus on one thing at a time, prioritizing what needs to be done in each Now moment, rather than looking at the overwhelming whole.
As an ongoing support, we strongly suggest starting to step into your role of conscious co-creator of your life by focusing on what you would like to experience more of and leaving the rest behind. Spending time in activities that help support your energetic clarity such as meditation, walking in nature, yoga, or anything that gives you joy, is also very helpful to keep you calm, centred and present. Extra energetic support in the form of energy healing and balancing can also be very helpful.
Anxiety is affecting record numbers of humanity at this time due to the accelerated energies of your beloved planet. It serves a wonderful purpose because, as always, when people get too uncomfortable to stay the same, they seek empowered change. ~Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young
Facebook: Trinity Esoterics
Twitter: @trinityesoteric
Lovely messages, thank you.
Love and Light FTW!!
Love and Light
I Endorse this Message!
The information here is very uplifting and useful on many levels and resonated perfectly with what I know to be true and accurate.
Thank you for this timely posting
Blessings All