Today we will speak once more for a while about the continuing rise of important events on your planet. There is a growing flood of changes, both seen and unseen, which are changing your entire civilizations in ways that even those involved cannot see the scope of. Perhaps the only way to even begin to fathom the trends involved would be to detach oneself and try to reach a perspective removed from the fray, so to speak.
There actually is no facet of your existence which is untouched. Why is this? It is because every facet of your existence is created by your own collective consciousness. It is because you have determined it to be thus. It is because you, as stated many times before, are the co-creators of this world.
It is time for you to understand this in far deeper ways than ever before. As your acceptance of the responsibility of this grows, so will grow your power to use it. You have ensured that you would not assume this power in its fullest until you learned to accept the responsibility. You are far wiser in your wholeness than you know.
So many of you yet feel small, feel insignificant, even feel you are powerless to do anything. That must and is coming to an end now. You are becoming more and more aware of the larger being which you truly are, and as this happens, your greater selves are more able to communicate with you and act through you. After all, they are you. It is desirable for you to look for these things, these inner changes, to want them, to accept them, and to reply with gratitude and the intent to exercise your highest abilities for the highest good. As has been said, if the only prayer you ever uttered were “thank you”. It would be enough.
Divine energies such as have never before been available to you are now surrounding your planet, indeed your star system, in ever increasing purity and are influencing every being on your planet. Even if you do net yet feel the truth of that, prepare yourself to be amazed. Prepare yourself to live in joy and freedom. Better, decide to live that way. We are the ultimate conspiracy theorists. When you make that your decision, the universe will conspire to make it your reality.
Please accept from us our deep unconditional love. We will speak again with you soon. Good day.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/
Excellent information
Thank you Ron for this authentic information.
Ron, as last year many of the "Ascended Ones" once again promised us that we would have profound financial assistance "soon" when said at the front of 2012 then again 2013. We don't have this, but continue to hear how "soon" that we will. The financial part was to ease us into ascension that "They" said will take place this coming September, which of course is MONTH AFTER NEXT???
When you have a chance would you ask your source to expand upon this subject, as it holds importance to about 6 1/2 billion of us at the least I would tend to believe.
Maybe the following post by you will ignite "Their" recall?
Ron Head w/AA Gabriel and Michael: Posted 6/9/13
"We wish you to know that that which you have worked for so long, and with such dedication, has now commenced. You have been informed of this from other sources, as well, and we confirm for you that this information is correct. The freedom, abundance, prosperity, and total transformation of your world, which you have prayed for these last thousands of years, and which has been incomprehensibly denied you, is now to be yours."
Thank you ever so much for looking into this issue form all of us down here.
David Porter
Author of the series
I second that.
I second that.
Paredos Law
The 80/20 Rule.
20% of the Channelers are flat out Cabal Ghostwriters. Evil to the core.
80% are probably decent people who suffer from the Mass Hypnosis and Self Delusion of New Age, We want to hope that something better exists and we create a "Heaven" to embody that hope. God Bless us all and Forgive us our Foolishness.
Now, all the ships have to do is de-cloak, all the Governments have to do is Disclose, all the Masters have to do is release the prosperity funds and reveal themselves publically to the masses. Enough is enough. No more tricks, no more special clauses and no more hoops to jump through, no more some day's and no more soon's - just simply do it, and do it now.
Blessings to All