Today, we would like to bring forward why the ego was created in the
first place. During our Atlantean days, the head priests decided they
would like to experience the physical world. The Violet flame in these
times was used to transmute the lower vibrating energies[ or thoughts]
and was at the temple, free for all to go to anytime, during these
days we could live as long as we would like, just by entering the
temple for rejuvination and transforming of all lower vibrations. The
preists found some gold and decided how beautiful it would be to line
the temple with this beautiful element. Even inside the temple they
filled with gold because it was a great conductor to aid in
transmuting into higher consciousness. The priests required more and
more of the gold and began asking for donations and even some of us
gave some of our light to them to assist in the Grandness of this
temple. The priests began seeing themselves as the powerful ones, and
began using power over i nstead of power with and for all, thus
creating an illusion of greed and power over. The head priest decided
then he would become the Violet flame, believing he could transform
into higher thought, while still having the illusion or lower
vibrating thoughts...well the opposite occured, because gold took his
energy of low vibrational thought and all of Atlantis with it, energy
goes where energy flows....So the unconscious had to go somewhere,
thus we ended up here in the physical and the Ego, as we entered the
lower density was created as a shell or protective cover here in the
physical realm which then created Belief systems and the primitive
mind. Now we are all in ascension, a process of returning ourselves
into the true unconditional love being from whence we came, back into
the higher vibrations [higher thoughts], thus shedding the ego because
in the higher vibrations or dimensions we no longer need to be
protected. The times we are in is returning our selves back into t he
higher realms.The ego cannot go into the higher realms, its
impossible. Ego is linear thought and in Atlantis our thoughts were
Multi-Dimensional, which is also what we are returning too....So we
fell from grace and are now ascending back into the higher realms and
the only way is through releasing all lower vibrating thoughts or
Love The Earth Allies