Astrograph July 20 2013
Monday’s Full Moon in the very first degree of Aquarius, with the Sun in the first degree of fiery Leo, brings new factors to this month’s challenging and beautifully deep astrology, namely the Air and Fire elements. Relationship, consciousness and growth are therefore more greatly emphasized. The Sun, now in Fire as he changes signs, represents for each one of us an enhanced sense of self, as the Sun moves away from the predominately feeling tone of his month-long sojourn in the watery sign of Cancer. The Water element is still present in great intensity, as Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio andNeptune in Pisces continue their dance, with Saturn and Neptune in perfect trine, and with Jupiter conjunct Mars just a degree past the point of exact grand trine. Mercury, having changed to direct motion this past weekend, is also to be found in emotional Cancer, and furthermore makes an exact trine with Chiron, the Wounded Healer; thus bringing as it stations an extraordinary measure of consciousness to our interior depths and to the ancient trauma lodged within us.