Lia's picture



For as long as I can remember I consider my life as a normal one, with the same wishes as every other child; but only one thing made a difference in me from my friends and siblings. I would spend most of my days admiring nature, loving nature; the moon and the sky, the trees and the sun filtering its rays through them, and every little creature and bird that would cross my sight.



I had the need to express myself making drawings of that nature that captivated my eyes and heart. Those wonderful shapes and colors, even the sounds of nature and the wind touching my face would make me feel like I was part of everything around me and that I was floating in the middle of all that beauty and felt like I was being embrace by mother nature arms, rocking me while I was floating in the middle of the air. All of this could be compared as the same way when my mother would embrace me with her love; just the same feeling.


But growing up was like leaving away that nature's embrace and disconnection with it was obvious. Those feelings started to fade away, as life started to have another meaning, which now I consider a totally different one than in childhood. I guess we all understand this as a normal occurrence in our lives as we grow and start to learn about the birds and the bees, and "the" you and me; but the feelings of the past in my childhood were nothing compared as the ones I have in my adult life.


If we compare how we felt in those days to the ones we are experiencing now, I honestly believe that our desires and wishes to go back and feel that magical embrace of nature would be our grandest wish, but I know that if we start to want and feel those moments again, all we have to do is go back to nature and embrace her back into our lives; and this would be the good part of all this…


We would go back Home! ; To where Father~Mother God's love has always been. We would go back and be united with our only truth; the one that has always been. Nature's Truth. We would know that we are children from Father-Mother earth, born from nature's Love. We would understand that we are "little sparks of love" who forgot who they were, when they decided to travel into their future to experience a different ride, to then find that that future was created hostile and full of emptiness and love resonance void. Here Love became forgotten, as a material reality emerged in our lives. We forgot who the wind was, or the moon and the stars. We forgot our friends in the wild and the trees in the woods. We forgot who nurture us at the beginning when our little sparks of love were bouncing and flickering like little stars in the sky. We forgot that embrace of love who taught us the truth at the beginning of our lives. But on our way home we will also know that…


Mother Nature has not forgotten about us. She still knows who we are. She still cares about her little sparkles of light and with her love resonance; she wants her sparkles to ignite into life again; and to awaken from that hostile empty love resonance void world and to burst again with all their love's energy that their hearts may have. She wants us to remember where we came from. She wants us to remember who we are. She wants us to be comfortable, in abundance, united and in resonance with the all that has ever existed and will exist. She is desperately shaking us. She wants us to awake and find ourselves, to fly high in dimensions for she knows we will soon ascend.


So you see, going back to nature is not going back to our past, it is going to the now moment which always has, this will let us know and remember who we are, where we came from and where we will go from here in our future lives.


We have collected beautiful white pearls on our way, but also some dark,, even thou both of them have been of great values and great teachings in our lives.


I hope we always keep them tight in our hands and hearts as a reminder to not forget LOVE never again.




