Larry Larson – Twelve- Twelve Insight Journal – Thoughts Are Currency : How Are You Spending Them?

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July 21, 2013 Twelve Insight Journal

You are all rich, really. And if you will just realize that your thoughts are tapping you into the greatest power in the Universe, you will start to pay more attention to what you are doing with them.
You have this enormous bank account that exists at the fringe, the boundary layer, between physical and nonphysical life experience. Your thoughts play freely back and forth between the two realms, and everything that exists within the physical realm had its beginning in the nonphysical long before it emerged into physical life form.

You can purchase anything you want with your thought currency in the nonphysical realm of pre-manifestation. Your imagination is a view screen that lets you look into that world and see what you are creating, and manipulate and control it as well. It’s kind of like one of those submarines with the cameras that let people explore the bottom of the ocean. You have remote viewing and remote ability to manipulate and move objects in the pre-manifestational workplace.
L’tif knows a man who spends all of his thoughts and his money on things that are not very fulfilling for him…what he says that he wants and what he does with his thoughts and words and actions don’t match up very well at all. So if you are not experiencing the life of your dreams, where is the discord? What are you allowing yourself to think or say or do that doesn’t fit with the imaginal picture you have of the life of your dreams? It has to be there because the Universe cannot withhold what you want if you are a vibrational match for it.
You are already rich. Your thoughts – your access to the imaginal world prior to manifestation – are priceless and overflowing with abundance. How you spend this currency will determine largely what happens with the other forms of currency you are wanting to have in your experience, you see. 
With joyous abundance,
~ Twelve


