We are in events that are opening up people’s hearts: Yesterday night was a lightning storm to end all lightning storms and enough hail on the road to look like snow in places… was there powerful weather of some sort in your area last three days? We are i

Doreen Smith's picture



StarofDavidalignment (1)

We are in events that are opening up people’s hearts:

Yesterday night was a lightening storm to end all lightening storms and enough hail on the road to look like snow in places… was there powerful weather of some sort in your area last three days?

We are in the days of the grand star alignment.  Yesterday’s drumming went well, I’ll post some pics if someone sends me any….  we talked about the alignment, and the green ray apex opening we are in… we are in events that are opening up people’s hearts… apparently from these days forward, we can communicate more strongly with the plant world, and with the tree world in particular…the hierarchy of plant world heads all the way to the Sequoia trees, who are conscious beyond linear time, and in fact, time is bent when you are around them.  

I’m certainly aligning more and more with heart on a deeper level and the result is more comfy living… the friction of life is lessened in always…  the flow of spirit knows…  with moments of self honesty we realize the yearning for freedom, and to know self, and to connect in authentic and pleasing way with what is chosen to experience… may these words be like a big giant hug from the Sequoia and it’s 144 years of earthly living stored in it’s body…  may we as living crystals, just as the Sequoia are… harmonize with the Mer-Ka-Na energies of our hearts… (AA Metatron says the Merkaba is actually obsolete).

Masters, the MerKaBah is now obsolete, and it is being replaced in the Crystalline Age with the non-polarity geometrics of the crystalline Tri-Level MerKiVa system toward the goal of evolving into crystalline MerKaNa. We tell you that the MerKaBah that has served as the Star Tetrahedron Vehicle to higher dimension for the past 12,000 year cycle is now being transposed into greater capacity. Indeed it is evolving into progressive expansive mode to the Crystalline MerKiVa System.


So if the Merkaba is dissolving, then maybe perhaps we are in a Merkana alignment as well, adding to the power of it all…

In the last three days… there appears to be some strong unusual weather all over the place… your comments are appreciated… and so are you… imagination and intuition are going to be more useful in the days to come.


