The Oracle Report Monday, July 22, 2013

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The Oracle Report

Full Moon Phase - Moon In Capricorn/Aquarius

Ruling Mahavidya:  Dhumavati

GFP Commentary:  You feel with your heart

Today we will switch from our usual practice of being like a wise owl to being like a wise lion.  What do you immediately sense as you place your mind there?

The lion in this picture possesses the full strength of his being, but he is engaged in a meditative state (oneness) with his surroundings.  Her recognizes that, at the moment, there is nothing he needs to do.

Today we are wise to be like this lion because we are not in control of what is happening.  But we are not helpless or powerless.  On the contrary, our power will build throughout this Full Moon phase.

During this Full Moon phase, the Wisdom Goddesses who show the faces of Gaia-Sophia, the Mahavidyas, are creating structures of the mind.  We are on "receiver mode" with a massive download taking place.  The main purpose of this is to "sweep" away mind parasites that reinforce negative beliefs about self and replace them with new futures.

In some ways we may feel "locked out."  It is good to get used to this feeling (and in fact, revel in the knowledge that a force of grand proportion is working on our behalf).

Can you let go and let things proceed?  This is the mission today.

