Full Moon/Super Moon in Aquarius July/Aug 2013 -- What needs to Change?

Lia's picture

Published on Jul 18, 2013

Join Sonja as she shares about several upcoming Astrological events:

* Powerful Full Moon/Super Moon in 0 degrees of Aquarius (on July 22nd, 2013 at 2:17pm EDT)
* The Full Moon (Aquarius-Leo polarity) is making a T-square to Saturn in Scorpio
* Uranus in Aries is making a T-square to Pluto in Capricorn and Mercury in Cancer
* Uranus is stationing
* Mercury is stationing
* Mars will join the T-square with Uranus and Pluto in late July/early August.
* 2 Grand Water Trines: Neptune (in Pisces), Saturn (in Scorpio), Jupiter and Mars (in Cancer); Chiron (in Pisces), the Moon's North Node (in Scorpio) and Mercury (in Cancer)
* Venus in 0 degrees of Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces

What needs to change in your life so you can fully step up and be uniquely you?
Are you living and expressing your joy?
Do you share this joy with others? With the world?

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All readings are done via skype or phone.