Triggering of "fear" the last mirror of the old earth

Lia's picture

Many of you may now be feeling the intense energies of both the moon and what has been termed the "harmonic convergence", with many of the planets now lining up and taking their places in the night sky. The affect on human behaviour may show up in various ways. Personally the new energetic frequency came in during the last linear 12 hours or so, when there was a definite "ripple" across the planet. These energies are working to trigger the very deepest parts of your BEing, trying to illuminate the darkest corners of your energy signature in order that the old frequencies that may be lingering in these "corners" are identified and dissolved. After all you can only dissolve that which you see, up until you begin to recognise and "see" it you are blind to it.

I wish to share a story with you now that unfolded this very morning and illuminates both the very "rigid" structures that are attempting to play out and anchor and also the teachings that are trying to re anchor within me. As I have stated previously I live at the moment in a small corner of Scotland, a very scenic but very remote part of Scotland with a community that is entrenched in "tradition". This is the part of Scotland where the man "rules" and independent career minded females well, I havent experienced any as of yet, it appears that to embrace any "career" outside of a very male dominated industry (nuclear) you would have to leave this area in search of it. Any movement out of the "traditional" roles is viewed with high suspicion and is barely tolerated.

So this morning I am awoken by loud knocking at my front door, on answering this frantic knocking I find an elderly gentleman who came to ask me when I was going to cut my grass. It appears that my long grass has drawn some complaints to the "community council" and that it is causing concern. I explain to him that I am on my own and that I am in the process of selling and have a lot on my plate. This changes his view SLIGHTLY in that he goes from anger /hostile to slight sympathy and how difficult it can be "on your own". I have to say at this point I was half asleep when I spoke to him, had I been fully awake and alert I may have answered him differently. The rage that began to build within me was intense. Part of me angry that he was even bothered about the grass, in a world where so many are suffering and starving and struggling how could some "long" grass be so much of a concern? Anger also at the fact that I live in a street with people who have not spoken to me ever despite living here 4 yrs. This is something I still find intruiging on so many levels, having moved from a city where it is often viewed that there is no community and yet in that city having neighbours who were helpful and supportive. It was made very obvious when I moved into this community that I was only to be "tolerated". I was an "outsider", of course as my work has progressed this has made me even more of an "outsider" to this community. I had moved here to live with someone "local" and that was my only saving grace at that point. That relationship is no longer so it appears the tolerance levels have gone down.

Now on the surface this appears to be one thing but in TRUTH this is a multi leveled scenario. What he triggered in me was my sense of "acceptance". I am well aware that my garden is need of a tidy up, however the grass has now got to unmanageable length for me and as many of you are aware on the days of huge energy upgrades making a cup of tea is just about the most you can do let alone cut fields of grass. God knows I have tried and when the human body demands that you either sit down or fall down you tend to go with this. What I had triggered in him was obviously his sense of structure. It would be interesting to look further at this man and his life where it was of vast importance to wake someone you have never spoken to in 4 yrs to ask when they were going to cut their grass as it was "in a terrible state". To me grass is grass, the wildness of it has a certain beauty about it and surely nature is nature? a person who keeps their grass to a certain cm and so neat and tidy it looks like it is spray painted on and the flowers are on a sort of canvas clearly has plenty of time on their hands and perhaps some sort of "issue" around control. It is of course "control" that is at the very heart of this situation. People who feel fear tend to try to influence everyone around them believing that if they control everything around them they are safer. This of course is distortion, control is a teaching of the old earth.

In small communities often everyday life is put under a microscope, what may be a passing situation for a larger community or in a city is often spiralled out of control and magnified by the low numbers of people and the need to feel important. In these tiny villages everyone has a point of view that needs to be shared with everyone. There is no privacy as such as there seems some unwritten rule that your life has to be shared with everyone else. There is of course fear and lack of ammenities. People who live this far north dont expect much, they have never had much so they work on the theory they dont need it. Be this hospital care (I was once told that I was mad to expect a certain level of hospital care because I lived rurally for example) or community activities. Traditions up here are dying, the turn out for many of the "community events" are declining despite the locals holding on desperately, trying to preserve a way of living that has "always" been, in complete fear of the unknown and "outside influence". Of course the irony in all of this is that many who live in this community travel south for said ammenities, on the one hand holding up the lower parts of Scotland as the reason for crime etc but using it when needed. It is also no surprise to learn that in remote parts of Scotland such as these the levels of suicide amongst young males from the age of 18 - 24 are higher than any other part of the country. A reflection perhaps of the harshness of the area and the holding tightly on of tradition and various traditional "roles.

In a world that is now expanding and moving there will be significant changes, these are first of all felt energetically, they are often not even at conscious level but they will be felt. So in my circumstance as an "outsider" then I am looked at for bringing something "different". It makes no odds what that "difference" is as it does not "fit" with what is known it is seen as something to be in fear of. A few years ago I had a physical shop in this village, in the window of that shop I put crystal skulls, I did this as this was part of my work, the reactions that I got were interesting to say the least. "Tradition" may give an apparent sense of safety and in a remote location it may be easy to watch the news and view "cities" and other parts of the country as being out of control and on the verge of invading "your life" but this is not TRUTH. There is often more crime and more drug/alcohol abuse in remote communities than per head of population in cities. It is often filtered out, the "outside" always being the enemy. What in TRUTH is being shown is the inner fear, many people choose to live this far north to "escape" and yet the wide open spaces can be prisons in themselves. For those who visit remote scenic parts of Scotland and other countries tend to do this in summer, with no snow drifts and roads cut off from the rest of the country. This gives a very false view of ACTUAL life in these places. Again as all is perception, all is open to interpretation and all changes moment to moment. The human logical brain can start to play games with itself and before long all are the enemy but in TRUTH you are the only one here.

For me personally it has shown me there are teachings that have residue that is lurking and now the work is being done to help dissolve these. As many of you may resonate with I have not spent any of my life being accepted for who I am. I have always on some level challenged people around me and I dont mean this in a conscious way, sometimes my actual presence is enough to trigger those around me. I dont even have to open my mouth. This of course is the energetic signature that I carry. Change and new ways of living can only be birthed into creation by being in flow, holding back out of "fear of not being accepted" is not TRUTH. I have struggled all the time I have lived here believing when I lived further south that tradition there had a strong hold. I used to live in a city where the free church of Scotland had control of how late the pubs/clubs could open on a saturday into the sunday. As I grew up in this city I soon began to challenge this and had various scenarios unfold with people trying to "save me" in my late teens by quoting parts of the bible at me! Again the need to have those around them conform to their view of the world.

I know that at this time many of you may be being triggered, this is to HELP you, to help you find that inner balance so that you are not pulled out of balance when the new is birthed physically in TRUTH. For as these new energies heighten they are changing the landscape of PLANET EARTH and ALL are feeling it, they may have no reference point for it but they FEEL it. Those around you may trigger with your energy signature. I would guide you to look beneath the apparent "3D overlay" and understand that they are in fear. Those who have walked what may be termed a "lightworker" path are prepared, much more so than someone who is what may be termed " asleep". As we move into August this will unfold all over the world, at the root is a sense of the unknown which the old world taught as "fear". It is now the turn of all of you who have done this work and who have found balance and TRUTH to walk that TRUTH, to keep in balance, to understand that those around you do not mean to be challenging to you, it is a reflection of their fear of the "unknown". To dissolve this you need simply stay in balance and continue to live your life in TRUTH. Words will not change their point of view, what will is the anchoring of the new earth energies, this is done person to person via their energy signatures. When someone triggers you and you them the frequencies work to find a balance, they will balance at the STRONGER frequency, if you allow someone else to trigger any hidden fear within you then the chances are they will then attempt to LOWER your frequency. To stay in balance sees you HEIGHTEN their frequency instead.

The old earth has no power, it only has the smoke and the mirrors to use to make you BELIEVE it has power. So with the older gentleman this morning, if I had joined him at his level of fear I may have allowed the drama that was attempting to play out to lower my energy signature. If he comes back to me again then perhaps I will ask him to help me and get talking to him at a neighbour to neighbour level and see what happens. After all in human form we have been taught to fear the unknown, if the unknown then becomes the known it is no longer such a threat.


copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved
