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Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

 While living on the 3rd dimensional plane of duality, we are taught to think of ourselves as the physical being named Nancy or John or Judy. We are also taught to think of ourselves in terms of how we earn a living … a counselor, an accountant, or real estate salesperson. Who we think we are can depend upon how successful we and others think we are. In fact, the level of success we have achieved often determines how worthy we feel, the level of our self-esteem, and our ability to learn from our mistakes.

 In Truth, none of the above defines who you are!

 So … who are you? Let’s find out! It is helpful to do this exercise with a partner, so you can take turns reading for each other. Be sure to allow time to consider your answers.

 EXERCISE: Find a comfortable place to sit … close your eyes … take several deep breaths and relax……….

 Begin your exercise with a prayer that all insights you receive be in accordance with your Highest Good and Divine Will. Relax into the assurance that this is true……….

 Focus your attention on your physical body …….. how does it feel? …….. is it tired? … aching? … hot? … cool? …………………..

 Ask: Who am I? Am I my physical body?………………

 Focus your attention on your emotions …………………. what are you feeling at this moment? ……………. Are you feeling impatient? …….. Are you feeling concern over duties waiting? ………….. Are you happy? ………….. Sad? ……………

 Ask: Who am I? Am I the emotions I am feeling? …………………………

 Focus your attention on your thoughts ………………. what you thinking? ………… a hundred different things? …………….

 Ask: Who am I? Am I the thoughts I am thinking? ……………………

 OR ……. Am I that consciousness that is observing my body? … my feelings? … my thoughts? …………………..

 Focus on this consciousness ………………… Do you know it is present with you even if it seems to disappear when you focus on it? ……………..

Who or what is this consciousness that knows how your body feels? …….. what you are feeling? ……… what you are thinking? ……………..

 Is this consciousness who you are? ……………………

 Is it not a Higher Part of the you with which you are familiar—your body, your emotions, your thoughts? ………………….

 Does it not know the familiar part of you on an intimate level? …………….

 KNOW that this Higher Part of you is your Soul or Higher Self. IT does not hurt when your body hurts ………… does not feel sad when your emotions are projecting sadness ………….. does not think discouraged thoughts when your mind dwells on discouragement ………………

 KNOW that this Higher Part of you is simply Observing your body ……. your emotions …….. your thoughts or Lower Intellectual Mind …………..

 You are a multi-dimensional being!

 Your physical body, emotions, and earth plane thoughts make up your Lower Body.

 The consciousness that observes you is the rainbow bridge that connects you to your indwelling Father/Mother God ……… It is your Higher Intuitive Mind that grants you access to all knowledge……………… You can ask questions of your Higher, Intuitive Mind, then listen as you receive the answers………………. It is not dependent upon your five physical senses to lead you to Truth or verify Truth.

 Your Higher Intuitive Mind simply KNOWS … there is no need for proof. We like to say, “I just feel it in my bones.”

 You are not dependent upon reading the word of God … or having an intermediary between your Lower Self and your indwelling Mother/Father God ……………

 Your physical body is a vehicle for your physical experience only … it will return to dust … YOU are much, much more than your physical body.




        Chart taken from SOUL PSYCHOLOGY: Key To Ascension, Joseph David Stone, Ph.D.

Page 197.


The following story depicts how sad it is that religions have taught us so little about who we truly are.


A Tragic Misconception

Taken from Adventures of the Quest, Richard & Mary-Alice Jafolla

In a desert land of Arabian horses, an orphaned foal was raised by a family of camels. As the young colt grew, he did everything the camels did. He plodded tirelessly across the hot sands. He toted large burdens of cargo on his back, and he watered his parched mouth at every oasis. Once he kicked up his heels in a sudden impulse to run, but then only swayed at a lumbering pace, because-that’s the way camels are supposed to run, aren’t they?

After many years of camel life, the Arabian steed grew old and tired. One day, as his weary eyes looked out across a sea of land, he saw a magnificent horse galloping at full speed like the wind, his shiny mane streaming out from his noble head.

“What a beautiful animal!” exclaimed the elderly orphan. “What is it?”

“That’s an Arabian horse, fastest and most beautiful of all the animals in our land,” answered one of the camels.

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful to run like that?” mused the old horse. But he put it out of his mind, and died thinking he was a camel.

Thus the tragedy of forgetting who you are.

You are a child of God, thus a God-child.

Live like a God-child.








Joshua David Stone, Ph.D.

is an excellent book.
