People in your life – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn July 23, 2013

Doreen Smith's picture



(Translated from original language german)

My child, why are people in your life? People who you love, who you dislike or even hate, or who you don’t care anymore someday. I have only sent Angels to you, because Angels they are, as you are an Angel to them. People are in your life to help you to remember or to grow. They give you opportunities to learn lessons. The same is valid for you. You give them opportunities to learn and to grow. Or to remember something. Others are there to give you strength or simply just Love. You don’t meet them by chance, my child, but you have discussed this with them on soul level before your incarnation. This person, you maybe hate the most, can be the Being you love the most in an other dimension. Therefore send each person you meet or who is in your life, your unconditional love. ~

Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.



Dearest Isabel Henn and Sirian Heaven

David Porter's picture


I will be with Divine Mother about this message of "Hers" and get back to you.


David Porter

Author of the series


I'm back

David Porter's picture

All is well~

David Porter

Author of the series


Yes, Divine Mother, I know this is true

TheFlashRon's picture

In 1974 I was fortunate enough to go before the Akashic Board for a life contract renewal review. There I was shown what most of us forget upon coming into this world; that we experience all encounters with "others" but by contractual agreement while in the higher realms prior to our present physical incarnation. Also that all others are reflections of aspects of ourselves because we are all One Consciousness experiencing others as aspects of the One. When it is said "We are all One" it represents a literal Divine Truth that goes beyond understanding with the rational mind. During that sequence of events I was in full consciousness, consciously aware of every sentient life form, at one with every aspect of creation and yet chose to return here to the 10% limited consciousness paradigm of limitation and fear. The reason for this was to be part of this coming evolution into the Golden Age, Heaven on Earth which I KNOW is happening NOW. What is happening now on this planet is going to affect all of creation in the Universe. Being concerned about exactly when this or that will happen is akin to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.Get a grip, people!

Blessings, All