new chemtrail doc and APP for iphone and android

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thomasinmn's picture
new chemtrail doc and APP for iphone and android

hi guys, just got a email about a new documentary involving chemtrails called "look up", you can order the DVD here:

i ordered two just for support, but more interesting is they have created a APP for iphone and android, go to your perspective store and search for "skyderalert", the APP allows you to take a picture of a chemtrail, then the APP automatically directs the image and a copy of a petition to your local appropriate authority, let's all flood the politicians office with images of the stuff we are breathing. thank you and much love, tommy


TheFlashRon's picture

Now we can do more than just lament about the aerosols overhead.

thomasinmn's picture
i even offered to pay

i have a small group of friends, co-workers that i share emails and teachings with as i study all this, from the cabal and liberation of the planet to health tips and our hidden history. i offered everyone i share with to download the APP and i would reimburse the 3 bucks. i kinda thought the 3 bucks was steep, but hopefully it goes towards the cleaning of our air and gaia. thank you and share far and wide, tommy

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