Kauliapele's Nashville Mission 7-25-2013

Doreen Smith's picture
Kauilapele's Blog  July 25, 2013

Kp Message… Final Note from Today (7-25-13)

After the Nashville Mission this afternoon, I’m feeling a bit “zoonked” (new word… sort of cross between “zonked” and “zoomed”). A lot of “attached to old outdated paradigms” energy was detached, and now some is floating around out there.

I heard a couple of loud cars come into the Mac and Donald’s parking lot. But right after saw two of the drivers involved hug and one said, “I’m so happy for you!”

That was the signal that this mission today hit the right buttons. (whatever that means).

So I’m continuing on through Tennessee (and who knows where else tonight) and then into Mississippi for more stuff over there (and finally get to meet Tracy, another Light Worker Being who does things like I do, and has been for years).

So Aloha from the beautiful green island of Tennessee!!!





StarDancerKat's picture

Kauilapele Thanks for your work in Nashville. I think it is interesting that when you were noticing how "sticky" the energy was you were close to the old prison and the new very big junior detention center. Also driving on our highways is quite a jarring experience in my opinion. I live off 40 in west Nashville and the amount of towers they have put up recently is astonishing. I am recently from Santa Fe New Mexico, but have had the opportunity to live and work all over the world teaching Thai Massage, including your beautiful Aloha State, yes the energy here is like it is stuck in time. If you are a tree hugger, this is the best place to discover some pretty incredible trees, just got to watch out for the poison ivy this time of year. With trees comes all kinds of beautiful birds, so it is my hope that you were about to recover from your Nashville/Nascar experience and embrace a few beauties yourself. Namaste and safe journeys. Thanks for the love bomb, my kids and I do that all the time when we are driving around, it is one way I distract them from the reality that I am lost or flustered with the traffic-ha!

Victory of the Light and blessings for a great journey in the South.