Starseeds.Net Posted by Luminakisharblaze on July 27, 2013 at 2:54pm
“Do you see that?” said one to the other.
“See what?” said the other to the one.
“Everything that is around you” said the one
“You mean all the buildings and cars and stuff?” said the other.
“No, all that was here before that.” Said the one.
“How can you see what was before when it is covered in stuff?” said the other.
“You forget the stuff that blocks your sight.” Said the one.
“ But isn’t that impossible?” said the other.
“Nothing is impossible, only highly improbable.” Said the one. “You simply must learn to use your imagination.”
“But how do I imagine that which I have never seen?” said the other.
“You look at what is and just remove it, then replace the blank spots with a trail of what should be there.” Said the one.
“Oh” said the other “Now I see it. It’s beautiful”
“So why can’t we just put it back the way it was?” said the one.
“What would we do for fun?” said the other. “I mean, there would be nothing to buy.”
“You would do whatever you wanted.” Said the one. “It is called freedom.”
“Oh” said the other. “You’re right.”
“Let’s spread the word and teach everyone how to do this.” Said the one.
“Okay” said the other.
And that is how the Earth became healed and whole again. People listened to the one and the other and they restored the planet to it’s natural beauty and the whole of humanity just lived.