Embracing New Beliefs To Create Change by Siddhi in Human Evolution, Perception

Andrea Green's picture

balancing dragonflyHumanity is in need of a great change. If we are honest with ourselves, if we can slow down long enough to really see the truths being reflected back to us in the mirror of life we have created, we can glimpse clearly what is, and what is not, working. History has shown us that civilizations adopt beliefs which not only create reality, but become the foundational core beliefs of its people. These beliefs are woven into the fabric of society, and are the design of how we live and experience life. We are influenced by the beliefs of our leaders, by the prominent institutions of religion and science, by what we read, study and watch on TV. Though the signs are currently evident we need to step back and reconsider many of these beliefs, mankind appears to be comfortably trapped on a runaway train heading for a potentially disastrous fate of our own making. We must embrace new beliefs to create the change we want and need before we hit the wall at mach speed.

Global chaos is on the rise. It is vital to understand the cause of this chaos is old, outworn beliefs being challenged by new perceptions. This new awareness is not only exposing the harsh realities of diverse, critical circumstances we face, but demanding we pull back the curtain to expose the misperceptions and outdated beliefs that no longer serve us. If we do not slow down willingly to question what we think we know, it will ultimately be forced upon us under less desirable situations. This clash between old and new beliefs is the exact fuel humanity needs to ignite our evolution towards something better. How fast we evolve depends upon our willingness to embrace change, and overcoming our fears of the losses such change may bring.

For more of this story visit http://dragonflytimes.com/embracing-new-beliefs-to-create-change/