28 July, 2013 johnblack
If we look at our history we will see that aggressive human behaviour and wars among us have always been there. Today that type of behaviour is even more dangerous because of the use of weapons of mass destruction that didn’t exist in the past.
However, multiple researchers have shown that this wasn’t always the case. Graham Gynn and Tony Wright in their excellent book ‘Left in the Dark’, present evidence showing that the devolution of the human brain happened side by side with the increase in aggression and erratic behaviour. They support the theory that the main reason for that change was a change in the diet of humans, probably because of a cataclysmic event, from a fruit and vegetable diet to grains and meat, which changed the chemistry of the brain.
A recent study by Douglas Fry and Patrik Soderberg suggest that the change to aggressive behaviour happened when agriculture began and in that aspect they seem to support what Graham and Tony suggested in their book, because the beginning of agriculture coincided with a change in people’s diet.
Douglas and Patrik in their findings suggest that most incidents of lethal aggression would have been homicides, feuds and wars. However, before agriculture became a common practice, humans used to live as nomadic foragers and if we combine this with Graham’s and Tony’s book then it means that when humans used to live in the forests and ate fruits and vegetables, aggression and wars weren’t there. The societies that the two researchers examined using ethnographic data, were in South Africa and the Malay Peninsula
A study in 2004, in the American Journal of Psychiatry showed how bad nutrition can lead not only to aggressive and anti-social behaviour but also to a decrease in the IQ. In 1995 Dr Melvyn Werbach published a research in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine showing how diet can affect and promote an aggressive behaviour.
It seems that the true nature of humans was never meant to be aggressive but something effectively changed our behaviour and the way that the brain works. If it is true that diet affects our behaviour in such a dramatic way why isn’t more research being done in this area instead of investing billions of dollars in weapons and technology such as drones supposedly used for protection against aggression?
By John Black
- See more at: http://ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/origins-aggression-humans-new-evidence-00699#sthash.ASkUwkcl.dpuf
The origins of aggression in humans – New Evidence | Ancient Origins.
During Earth's seeding
During Earth's seeding process, an asteroid came and smashed into Earth, bringing with it disease and very bad elements, by the time the 'Gardeners' arrived to check on the progress of the seeding, it was already too late to pull out the 'weeds'. There was no choice but to let the garden grow with these 'weeds' and fix the problem later. The arrival of the Zeta Reticulli and Draco reptillians also didnt help us. But things have changed now, the lizards have been expelled and Earth is being bombarded with light not. Not to mention the millions of Starseeds that have arrived to help. It'll all be ok.
Love and Light