When you were younger did you ever play in water? ~ The Many

Doreen Smith's picture


July 29, 2013 by Angel Wings and Unicorns

When you were younger did you ever play in water?

Did you note, when you were younger, how quickly things could get away from you in water?

We will say to you when you are feeling bombarded, to allow yourself to awash yourself with the energy of water and let it swiftly flow away. We would say like flushing a toilet, but it does not give as pretty an image. For it is time for you to recognize the power that is being used to cleanse the planet that is being perceived upon the planet as tragedy is not at all tragedy but rather a powerful tool for cleansing. So she cleanses through fire and water right now, She is cleansing through air.

You can use any of the elements to also cleanse what keeps blocking you. You are trying to walk through blockages that are thicker than you are used to. So allow yourself to push through while you allow this to wash away, to be blown away, to be burnt away. For there is no reason for you to be fixing, tolerating, adjusting to or changing the energies around you if you are able to stay in your own energy. And you will be better able to stay in your own energy when you create your own barrier that just allows you to push things aside when they interfere. We know that it is a concept that we say easily that you immediately look at and say ‘but how?’.

We have told you how, and you intuitively know how. You must want to. Not in the sense of not having, not tolerating, not putting up with, but in the sense of creating, being excited about, moving forward to. All of your attention is in the wrong direction. When you will check yourself into the concept of what is good instead of checking yourself into the concept of what is bad is when you will be able to allow the water to wash it way. Right now you are asking for it to wash away while you cling to it desperately for a reason to explain your own actions.  ~  The Many

