The Oracle Report Tuesday, July 30, 2013

MomT's picture

The Oracle Report


This photograph of an Orca summarizes today's energy:

  • duality between things is strongly evident; things seem black and white but there are two sides to things
  • superficiality is heightened; there is a need to dive below the surface to find what is real and valuable
  • appearances are more deceiving; to be successful, things can't just look the part - they have to be backed up by substance

After a long period where interpersonal communication was not at its easiest, today's energy enables us to communicate long-lasting messages.  Things can go far and wide.

During Third Quarter Moon phases we take responsibility.  We see where things stand and then revise, realign, and reorient.  Our instincts are keener and this causes refinement of our abilities of discernment.  Third Quarter Moon phases are more mature, sophisticated energy because it is actually the last phase of the lunar month.  It works best when we hold to high standards, values, and ideals.
