Healing with the Angels Chat Session This Afternoon

MomT's picture


Come and join us today for our chat session on healing yourself and connecting with your angels with MomT, LoveEddie, and Doreen.  All are welcome!!

Topics being discussed:

Sharing our experiences with healing and angels

Share your experiences with us

videos as always





Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 4 to 6 pm Eastern
(1pm to 3 pm Pacific)

Join us in our chat room http://tinychat.com/galacticpress



Re How much to help my new friend?

sindhumurti's picture

He is very nice person. Good heart & somewhat enlightened. But - He is now asking me for help -  In two ways. Which are both big. One bigger than the other! Am feeling now to walk away...For various other reasons also. I DID or do still like him a lot. Even love. But now 'scratching my head' a bit. Not sure about it all presently - What to do? How much to help/give my new friend of 2 months. Thank you so much. Sindhu :)

Sindhu smiley