Kp Message… Soon to Leave… and Next Steps…

Lia's picture

130304_new_hair_guy_P1000378_crop_240_11I’m about to leave Mississippi, and can only say that the two missions here have been a strong success. The healing mission at Vicksburg, and the “detachment from slavery paradigm” for the planet, performed yesterday, have definitely allowed the planet to proceed to Higher Levels.

Those two paradigms (Civil War (North vs. South) and the slavery paradigm) have been so deeply ingrained here, particularly in the South, that they have essentially held the North American continent in their bondage for centuries. Of course the slavery paradigm is much older, and has held the world in bondage for millenia.

As a result of the last two missions, they have both been successfully detached from their roots, and this allow the planetary Ascension process to proceed. This was major. Very major.

Thanks to Tracy, who has grown up here and done “Light Work” here for years, who was the lead… These were her missions, and I was her support.

I felt so “drained” today that I’ve done almost nothing, and that includes posting anything. But I am sure that I’ll be reporting more as the next part of the journey begins. Tomorrow.

Thank you all for your energetic assistance and support.

More to come.
