Astrology for August from Carl Boudreau~ Pretty Much

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The Lathe of Heaven


Recap: We are experiencing a period of unusual astrological activity, even by recent standards. A powerful and especially rich mix of constructive astrological energy is being released in an unusually, well-coordinated, sustained manner over a prolonged period.


A Kite has been in the charts since June 2013. There will be a Kite in place at least part of every month until at least the middle of next year.
Also, a rare “diamond tetrahedron,” Star of David, Star Tetrahedron, or Grand Sextile, formed for several hours on the morning of July 29, GMT.


This activity is creating a field that supports large  transformative initiatives on all levels – i.e., e.g., individually, regionally, nationally and globally. There are hints of this in the news.


The G-20 is a forum consisting of 20 of the world’s largest economies, including the European Union. It is affiliated with numerous smaller economies. Meeting in Moscow on July 19, the G20 raised the idea of setting up an international system to curb corporate tax evasion.


We might be tempted to dismiss this as unrealistic. However, it is precisely the kind of sweeping transformative initiative the present planetary arrangement would support.


Scrambled Signals


During this lengthy period of rapid and deep change we will be finding our way in a blizzard of mixed signals. Don’t jump to conclusions about the meaning of events on the basis of one or two facts learned on one or two days.
There will also be many repetitions, many gentle nudges in the same direction; we will have many chances to get it right.


August, A Month of Financial Crosscurrents


There is, again, a Kite in August’s composite chart. This time it is joined with a Yod. If, as I do, one uses the Greenwich Observatory as the “place of birth,” the Kite lines up along the financial axis of August’s composite chart.


Interestingly, the Kite also lines up with the financial axis of the US natal chart. The fate of the global economy tends to be intimately bound up with the fate of the US economy. This astrological parallel only emphasizes how important August’s economic developments will be.
