For many of you these new energies may come as a pleasant surprise, so long have the human race lived within the constraints and confines of the old lower dimensional energetic frequencies that it has almost become second nature to "expect" to have some resistance to manifesting. It is this very "expectation" that sits at subconscious level that is working against many at this time. The new earth is a SUPPORTIVE energetic frequency and one that is working AT ALL TIMES to help you. This can be filtered out by the human logical brain that almost sets up a pattern of expectation to have something become "challenging" or "difficult". How often do you dismiss something that appears "too easy"? Such are the teachings of the old earth that "easy" is seen as something to be highly distrustful of, yet nature itself is "easy", you dont see wildlife struggle to get through their day, they go from moment to moment. You only have to look at the domestic cat to see an animal that just moves through its day with ease and grace.
At the moment many of you may be dissolving the lower dimensional frequencies and focusing on what is dissolving. As these frequencies are not supported then they cannot fully manifest, so holding tightly on to an "outcome" believing it is the "only" way to do something may see you in deep frustration, again the logical human mind will play to "one way", in TRUTH there are a million and one possibilities but if your human logical brain cannot stretch to them it will dismiss them. Also at this time linear time is dissolving (see previous blog) for many, so the reference points your human logical mind is trying to find to put what you are trying to manifest into a "context" are not there. The human logical mind may then move into full panic/frustration. It is to be noted that just because you cannot "SEE" how something is going to work out does not mean it will NOT work out, it just means that you dont have access to the fuller picture. As you take the first steps to manifest what you are trying to manifest then the picture will unfold naturally as you move from MOMENT TO MOMENT.
This way of living which is in HARMONY with the natural laws of the universe may FEEL very alien to you at times. The 3d earth working at all times to have you "have" to see the bigger picture and have plan a, b and even c. Trying to teach that without all this information you are in danger and must be alert to all possibilities. This is not TRUTH and is not supported in any way by the new earth. When you come into the world as a new born baby you do not instantly come into the world and begin to panic about when you will be fed and clothed and what will happen to you until you learn to walk. You breathe and then you cry and then you are fed and then you grow and life begins to unfold around you. This may seem a very simple analogy yet it is perhaps a very useful one. At some point over the past few decades on planet earth the way the human race lived life changed to become more stressful, this coincided with the DIGITAL AGE, the age of computers and technology. Far from helping it has actually fractured human life, whilst I can see a place for the technology of the world and am fully aware that without said technology you would not be ready these words, the human race has allowed technology to drive the human life experience.
I am old enough to remember a time when if someone called your phone and you were out of the house you had no idea they had even phoned, the ability to check which number had called not invented yet. A childhood that consisted of going out all day and knowing that I had to be home in time for tea, all day my mother having no access to technology to "check up" on me and my sibling, trusting we were safe and that we would be home when we were told to be home. Again early adult life of socialising with friends face to face, physically with human interaction, again trusting that the arranged time to meet and place still stood as there was no technology available to check this. When I left school and started working I worked in an office in an admin role, somehow the work got done more quickly and again involved social interaction before the office became "computerised". Then ensued the times of frustration that you can probably relate to when a pc decides it does not want to play ball and open the document etc.
The human life EXPERIENCE is termed this for you are here to experience all that human life has to offer. Many of you may wish to know what will happen to you over the next few months but I could guarantee that if this was available to you, if you were given a list of events, times, places etc all down to great detail that after a few weeks you would feel a huge cloud descend upon you, life is not a set of predestined events, it is created from your beliefs from moment to moment. However under the old 3d earth energetic frequencies these beliefs were contained and controlled. FREQUENCY CREATES beliefs, it is not the other way around. Those who sought to contain and suppress the human race altered these frequencies knowing this. You only have to talk with a few people who are running at a certain frequency to realise that they ALL SHARE the same thoughts and that these thoughts remain whilst they are still running the frequency.
The new higher dimensional frequencies allow for expansion, they allow for freedom of thought and perhaps many of you have already experienced this, new fresh ideas that seem very obvious when they begin to form and yet you cannot fathom why you could not see them before. Well you could not see them before because the old earth frequencies prevented this. Much like tuning a radio station in on your radio, the signal blocked due to the frequencies that were being transmitted.
Life on planet earth is changing and how fast it changes will depend on how you are CHOOSING to interact with the new earth energies. To "expect" or to stay within a certain parameter believing something will not work is not supported, the universe may then give you a nudge to move you, for those of you who are in the process of moving home and this may apply to many of you, the universe will have begun to show you the path beneath your feet. What would not have manifested so readily for you a few weeks ago suddenly gets a push and starts to unfold. You are asked merely to BREATHE and take the first step, then the next, at all times staying in the moment and TRUSTING that all is perfect for ALL IS and YOU ARE.
BREATHE AND BE and then allow the miracles to unfold for the miracle in TRUTH is YOU.
Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved