TheOne-DreamDreamer ~ There Are No Answers ~ 5 August 2013

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There Are No Answers

Only Life.

For any answer is in fact no answer at all. Only once we LIVE something do we Know. That’s the only way we can remember, move on, enhance our beings and bring this cycle to the rightful end.

Not by asking but by LIVING the answer.

Because we, our thoughts, our actions, our intent ARE the answers. Anyone can come and tell us anything they want or what we want to hear, but where does it go until we LIVE it? Into a belief which builds acts, thoughts, intentions…and even illusions. Especially illusions.

THE answer is far beyond any thought, it is your BEing. What are you going to make with your LIFE? What do you want to BE? Experience?

The question IS the answer! When the question is asked the answer is already there to be lived. We’re able to give an infinite amount of reasons to justify any answer we receive, and then start the whole process over again. We can, and we’re all good at it. But when it comes to LIVING… we’re not so good anymore.

It’s key to the Process… part of the surrender to the true nature of our Spirit. Trust. Live. Experience. Shit GO FOR IT! Whatever it is, whatever it looks like! It’s your journey, and it’s your path. And there’s no way one can learn or remember by following someone else’s path!

Freedom is not getting the right answer… it’s asking the right question and then LIVING the Answer. Deep from the inside out. It will change your world. It will change your perception. It will change ALL.

For that IS WHAT is BEING ASKED FOR: the experience of Life. / link to original article
