Balance of Your Body & Mind - Sasha

Doreen Smith's picture


August 6, 2013 by Sasha

The time has come to make some re-evaulations on the balance, or should we say inbalanace, in your life right now. When thinking of imbalance in your life the first thing that comes to mind is eating habits. Your body is going through a natural cleansing process and whenever there are huge amounts of energy from a particular cycle, you tend to over indulge. This is the first hump you must get over for balance. Wash out all the toxins you've been building and you will see transformation. This will lead to mental clarity- balance within the mind. It will become easier for you to stay at a high energy level more often. You are stronger than the drive that causes you to indulge in poor eating habits. Next time you feel the urge, stop- acknowledge the thought & wait about 15 minutes. If you are still hungry-find something nourishing for your body! Right now, there is a major cleanse going on and you play a big role, as do each of you on this Earth. Keep your body in tune with the energetic upgrades of Mother Earth.

Your bodies understand it & feel it much more than you can percieve. That is why it is so important to be listening- truly communicating & listening to the needs of your body. Once that area of balance is triggered, the next area of imbalance we will work on is mental clarity- this will change your perception on many things (in a good way). You will be more connected with us, you will be able to make sound judgements, and rarely will you experience anything that will lower your vibrations.

Through cleansing the mental fog (first by cleansing the body), you will feel much more excitement about life. Things will start to merge into place -like  financial issues, relationship related things,living environments, and so forth. All aspects of your life will begin to align with your highest purpose. Ultimately leading you to fulfill your passions.
Now, let's talk financial. We know that you know you are ultimately protected in this universe, and during this life experience. But now, it is time to shift your perception on things a little because the energy in which you exist has changed as well. That is why it is so important to be in balance & relieve yourself from the fog blocking your view from the ever abundant universe. Most people have blocks built up in their minds about being financially abundant. Obviously, we know that these are ideas of the past because we understand how much thoughts truly influence reality. Take the time to release any last mental blocks you may be having about finances.
All is in divine order & you've already been receiving our messages through subtle ways in your reality.

Really, truly see in your minds eye what it is that you want to create for your desired life. Use each of these days as stepping stones towards that direction. Live through love, faith, trust, and gratitude and you will see the blessings manifest.
Keep in mind the energy of the New Moon today and the messages from today's oracle report. Balance is key!
With love always,
FlowerChild Sasha & Your Family of Light

FB- Flowerchild Sasha

