Here in the spiritual realms we are all cheering very loudly as humanity moves ever closer to the grand event for which you have been hoping and praying for eons, and towards which you have been progressing so forcefully for the last few decades. If you could see a graph of that progress you would see eons of time during which an almost flat horizontal line follows the timeline across the graph until late in the 18th century, at which point it takes a gently upwards slope until the 1990s, and from there till the present, a sharply increasing upswing then becomes impossible to ignore. Now, it has become, to all intents and purposes, a vertically upwards sweep with virtually no horizontal movement in time. Focus your attention on the reality of that incredible acceleration towards your awakening, and know that that is what is now occurring.
Yes, it really is that close! Let your Light burn brightly and constantly. You do that by making a point of calling to mind hourly – half hourly, quarter hourly, or even every 5 minutes if you can – the fact that you are Love, that you intend to channel and share Love, and that humanity is bathed in Love from the divine field of Love that envelops you always. And remind yourselves that what you focus your attention on intensifies, and then focus on what you want: your heart’s true desire, your desire to awaken!
If you are tempted to say to yourselves: “I’ve heard all this over and over; why does Saul keep repeating it?” Then I say to you it is because you do keep forgetting. When you wake up in the morning you make the intent to remember throughout the day, but then the chores and distractions of daily life in the illusion seem to hold your attention like an exciting or thrilling movie, and before you know it – time does seem to have been speeded up, does it not? – it is bedtime.
Enormous assistance from the spiritual realms, way more than has been available in previous ages, is now on hand for the asking, so ask, and ask, and ask! Let go of your doubts as best you can. We know it is difficult for you when the daily activities that the embodied have to undertake seem so demanding and at odds with the spiritual Reality to which you are in the process of returning, but we are here, holding your hands and reassuring you. You are never alone, you can never be alone, because you are one with each other, with us, and with God – you are just having difficulty accessing awareness of it.
Having chosen to incarnate as humans at this point in your spiritual education because you wanted to be active participants in this monumental evolutionary leap forwards and upwards, then make a point of focusing your attention on that choice, and on the satisfaction you felt when you learnt that God had honored that choice. You are here as Light-bearers and wayshowers, as you very well know, and remembering that you made that choice with great enthusiasm makes your ongoing efforts to bring this task to completion that much more effective. Truly you are very effectively bringing this task towards a most perfect conclusion, and the respect that you have garnered in the spiritual realms is quite staggering. Your moment of glory is at hand. And you have most certainly earned it, although the children of God have no need to earn anything as all has already been given to you in perpetuity.
To rephrase what I have just told you, you are doing a superb job! Do not let doubt or anxiety cloud your vision; just keep going forwards with the divine flow and avoid any temptation to turn back against it. You may well feel in need of a respite, but that is mainly your ego expressing its fear because it does not and cannot understand your divine motivation. Press on powerfully as you most definitely can, in the sure knowledge that what awaits you is, in human terms, utterly beyond belief.
With so very much love, Saul.
Thank you
Dear John,
Appopro named! Thank you for the beautiful words I can feel more than ever perhaps that something is afoot so not just same old empty words or false promises that Spirit seems to have given before in previous times too, the early Christians awaited the second Coming and they are still waiting two thousand years on!!! But yes somehting is going on I found myself on a bench by the harbour today crying and talking to God out loud I didn't care though there were not many people around if someone thought i was nuts! I was crying from the bottom of my heart cos I really really have had enough of living lives of separation i gotta go Home now, I can;t take living in shadowy reflections on the cave wall I got to go back to the glory see the Father or at ;east Feel Him Her go back to source then illume this world with Source cos it's a sorry pitiful prisoning dream without Source!
can;t take just the odd rays coming through the bars no moreif I am to live on in the mortal must must simultaneously live in the trascendent beauty of the Presence otherwise no deal!!!
Yesterday I was in my Violet Flame meditations
I was placing intense conscious application as I sing the words along with my guitar, and I too cried. I felt the connect with the Divine so close, closer than my own skin it felt to be.
Thank you John/Saul for your words of truth to me.
David Porter
Author of the series