November 2011: Global TIMING Posted by Joyfulseer333; Carmelle Migliore :10~22~2011
There is no turning back, or, away from the awareness of the perspectives of the mass reorganization. ALL aspects of physical reality, and the beliefs that hold physical realities in place (for those Being participating in the collective holographic play yard), as TIME, and our Illusions within it, are steadily shifting out of the picture.
Remember that Time is a classroom for us. We jump around in our heads from past to future to Now, for a few seconds and back and around again, habitually bouncing unaware of our own personal ability to control intentional focus. We corner our Selves into others’ perceptions and realities via the beliefs, the inner rules, and the reflective outer agreements of those relations with others in the collective. There are many fine teachers of the methodologies to work past these deceptions of Self. ASK, and ye shall find.
2011 has unveiled the (creatively) limiting parameters of the belief structures of our painful, frustrating, hopeless situations and perceptions to the masses. Our, current global activities reflect the individuals realignment process with Center, which has begun the birth of a fresh and different INFRA-structure in the collective Time platform. The ALL are jockeying into the perfect position to exit this great birth canal into a new form of co-creative reality.
Now, this bears repeating, as WE carry on here: ALL Is Well. There isn’t a molecule out of place.
3D in Time is a special classroom, that will always exits as long as there are cosmic babes who are in for the experience of such a practice/ testing facility. If you are a player in the larger drama of the collective mirror, you are genuinely appreciated, and commended for your contribution and impulses to take the up-close and personal approach. Many Beings participating in the physical co-creative activities in 3-4D have deliberately done so, and continue on with the intentions and excitement of mixing it up! Disturbing the steady pressure of constrictions, no longer to be contained in a cocoon of herd mentality, and, shaking the unwanted things loose.
As we re-format, re-boot, and re-New, Gaia has her own shake, rattle, and roll going on which directly reflect the focus and activities of the Beings of the greater reality. Gaia, as the experience supporting environment, will adjust to the feelings and intentions of the collective One, and is changing to fit the requirements of our next arena of awareness.
Relationships are changing, and, business agreements and rules are being restructured as well. Even if you aren’t plugged into the drama and turmoil of the collective global activities, these OBVIOUS shifts are everywhere on, and IN- the planet. For some the dissolution of duality is appearing more as a dream-like state of unfoldment, and for others it is yet a nightmare. WE now know that each participant CHOOSES their part by AGREEING to believe in a construct. What are Your choices? – You have 2 basic choices: FEAR (victim, oppressor), or, LOVE (Neutral, and balanced in Center). This issue of balance and accountability will surface and begin to be examined much more extensively and collectively, toward the end of October. The collective Voice will begin to harmonize with Gaia, and, more clarity.
November outwardly discusses the idea of collective nurturing, on a physical level, - including aide & assistance, and, education, (and, these issues will be acted upon more extensively in 2013, global 3-4D Time). But, what will begin burbling in the larger consciousness of individuals of the collective, will be a sudden sense of Knowing. The November 2011 Illumination will Inspire and uplift the Collective as if the Sun came out and shined a light on a dimmed landscape. The Illumination of certain facts, data, options, instigate a kind of global cosmic hum that is just beginning to get warmed up. Yes, Duality has been outed ! (Interesting term.) Humanity has been easing it’s way OUT of 3-4D Time, little by little as class continues a bit longer to teach thru upholding contrast, as we wobble back and forth collectively between perceptions IN Time and it’s inherent limitations, and our new practice sliding into Now, as One, illuminating the need for any limitations. We are attaining the creative Freedom that the Centered Heart resonates with, naturally step by step.
While Some are happily shifting into more empowering perceptions of Self, Some are not. At least, not yet, anyway. In November, preliminary decisions will be made. Lines will be drawn in the sand. Healthy boundaries will be placed between the old ways, and the new Vision, further fortifying the collective objective , and encouraging more to join in to set the house in order. Some of the deeper roots of the obsolete structures will have to be dug up manually. With very deliberate attention and compassion. Self examination will become less and less a shame/guilt based event, and more and more a Love based experience. As we find our urges to connect, communicate, and cooperate for the sake of the ushering the change of collective Unity , our own Hearts are relieved, and willing.
WE are growing to appreciate that without the contrasts there would be nothing to incite us to expand- to grow, to choose to create freely, as Sovereign Beings. The choices are very clear : Love, or, Fear? Freedom, or, constriction?
With all of these 1’s, and 2’s in our collective Time forum, we ARE learning to fully explore the place of: I AM, and connected to the ALL (I AM YOU ARE ME). As you are reading this, you are seeking data to lead you to your next perspective, your next step. And, it was translated per YOUR asking. YOU will always find what you seek.
SO, There’s that question again….”What do I, personally, seek?”
Time “lessons” are perceived in the little daily waves of opportunities, and focus changes a little with each day/month/year, but in Truth, if what you are experiencing consistently is not in resonance with your CENTER in Balance, to make it right, seek harmonious ways and means to balance Self in CENTER, so inner navigational signals can align with your focus, and be heard. We will need our power of discernment to wade through all of the information coming to us throughout 2012!
So, currently, within these global drama episodes in our collective eco-political platforms, we ARE just finding out- OH! What a SURPRISE! (not!) to discover that someone else has had the reigns on our reality. “They” mesmerized us with a complete array of tricks and spectacles to distract, and terrorize the Ego, which predominately serves to keep the physical body intact and absorbed into the Holo-deck, as if it were our only option for Creativity.
I, for One, THANK All- and, I MEAN – ALL, participants who have peripherally affected my experiences, or, physically met up with me, for presenting the contrasts to me- loud and clear, and for allowing me to play it out and practice with TIME, so that I can learn to be the Sovereign Creator Being that I AM. It’s just a matter of practicing Being Now 24/7- as they say in Time.
We, on the whole, have been playing the part of cosmic sleeping babes, and WE participate in the current global reflection by design. Oh, there are SO many theories, and myths regarding our collective “history”. For what EVER reasons, we allowed “them” to lead us just so far. We were blinded, we were distracted, we were robbed, and, we were brutalized. We are coming to intimately understand our OWN PARTICIPATION, this flowering of our own individual power to choose to re-focus, and shift the view to something more evolved.
Now that the collective issues of constraint are being dissolved through individual choice of autonomy, and, before the training wheels of TIME are removed completely, we must finish the class on how to deliberately arrange to have more and more experiences of Joy NOW. The Universal Laws are in effect whether we are paying attention to them, or not. As we have been moving through the calendars in Time, We have assembled an on-demand supply of information tools, methods, gurus, teachers, Healing facilitators, Beloved mirrors, and, other awake and aware translators, in and out of Time. All of which will enter the mainstream reality for the healing and upliftment of the Collective in transition, as they assist in the birth of : I AM YOU ARE WE in Love.
“I got mine, you go get yours”, is of the Fear mentality, and, will not fly in the blooming Love based tone that is growing in solidarity.
Yes, We DO know just what to do NOW to relieve the disquieting squeeze of this birth. We are changing our individual fear based BELIEFS in the old rules, agreements, environments, and the Illusion that set them up….Collectively, we are INDIVIDUALLY dissolving the duality. Everyone contributes. Allowing, Inclusion, and Connection will be the next step for the INDIVIDUALs of the Collective, blending our New desire for defining true SELF Love, (vs the old vanity/narcissism/escape) , nurturing, healing, and, consolidation, into a more harmonious dance within the outer reality is on the docket in the collective holo-deck for 2012, but there are some things that still need proper closure through compassion.
As the previous millennium came to a close global incidents which began to draw our focus and brought us closer to the oncoming awareness that WE have EACH OTHER to play with. We are building upon expanded opportunities to communicate with each other. WE called the internet to us for this purpose. Although the initial view of each other’s differences, such as race, culture, customs, we have grown exponentially through the last 200 years, with the help of our faster, more direct form of communications allowed us to figure out- without interference- that we aren’t so different from one another, after all.
Currently, We all are experiencing the same “identity” crisis. Who am I , and what am I doing in this hard, and crazy place? As the collective pulls together, for the sake of pulling together as One, FIRST, without EX-clusion, we will see the swoosh of Light that engulfs us and sets us up into our next step that highlights consciousness /connection/cooperation/and Patience…. Stand by for this, as it about to Flow!
We will soon remember that ALL Is Well. Moment by moment, WE are catching up with the data needed to make the shift CONSCIOUSLY. And, for a little longer, we will step our little steps in TIME, and practice with our personal focus and the guidance of each others’ Faith in balance in Center, personally, first.
Since the 11 frequency will be so unmistakably stimulating to the collective, and AMPLIFIED for All of November, it warrants a review of the expression essence of the 1, and 11 Time indicators relative to our current calendar position. As the frequencies for November begin to warm up from around 10/20, and through into January, the Collective will be taking much more responsibility regarding INDIVIDUAL participation in relations, and business agreements/negotiations, and, the way we COMMUNICATE will change.
NON-violent communications will be the acting buzz word, and the hot topic will be the building of the New, from Now on. The blame and shame of the controlling factors of the “powers that were” will be dissolved expediently as things open up with the coming of 2012, which will bring MUCH action and activity, new friends and acquaintances, fast paced opportunities that may tempt to blur the Vision by offering freely a whirlwind of options to choose from, (hence our need for discernment), as we are not yet done with our ‘Lessons”, and the divine classroom of Time has not dissolved for us yet. Testing will continue on here, until the [collective] expands out of it. I think that it is quite appropriate to call this current climate of re-structure “Global spring”. Maybe even Cosmic spring!
The way in which we express our Selves, will be the skill of the hour. In your communications, Be Now, Be Love, Be Light- or, whatever mantra works for you. We can NOW reflect personally on the concept: Be the change YOU wish to see in the World. It will be somehow easier for us to do so, without fear of retaliation. Our commitments toward others and our efforts to re-create our Collective vision through UNITY MUST begin with Unity of the Self. Therefore, I AM YOU ARE accountable. It’s TIME to mirror the BEAUTY of Life, and the Knowing of our collaboration with the Divine, Source, Prime Creator in as many Nows in a row that we can……
Thank YOU for joining Me on this spiral Journey!
And, I wish you the Best of Now- Eternally.
The spiral journey/youtube: carmellem55