10~21~11~St Germain ~ Thanks to All as One! ~
"Greetings, Beloved Family! I, St Germain, stand before you with Ashtar and the Mentors of this 9-Star Group.* We come to offer our deepest and most profound thanks for all of your efforts on behalf of the signing of the NESARA petition! From placing your signatures upon it, to sending out your emails, to distributing and posting the flyers, to marching with the Wall Street people, and to empowering this mission with your awesome meditations and prayers, you are truly Masters of 'Paying It Forward!'
"Now, you have inspired other groups to join in, and we are appreciative and grateful to them for all of their help and support. And, whether or not they choose to acknowledge the 3 women and indeed you, Beloved Ones, is not what is important here. Rather, it is the coming together in the Oneness of Who We All Are, which is truly the means by which this mission will be accomplished! This is the way of higher dimensionality words and actions! This is how shifts are accomplished! The world has waited long enough for NESARA, and in raising our voices as One, we are co-creating the coming forth of all of the changes that it brings!
"This is the grandest time in the history/herstory of Planet Earth because you, Beloved Ones, have made it so, and we are honored that you have invited us to assist you on your Ascension paths to which you have so beautifully committed. We stand before you in service to you, and we stand with you in inspired purpose! Peace on Earth, Freedom and Abundance are only waiting for NESARA's announcement, and we tell you now that you are bringing it closer with every new signature on the petition!
"Let us continue our efforts as One, right up until the last moment** of the signing period. Then, let us continue to welcome it and share the Truth of it, for NESARA is the Law which will open the door to the Golden Age of Planet Earth - and beyond! NESARA is Now!!! We give you our Blessings and Thanks, Beloved Family - Namaste!"
**October 28, 2011
Given through Susan Leland, October 21, 2011. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
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