Step into the flow today and feel the shift. We jump from a vibration level of 3 to a vibration level of 6 today. The human race will add many more to the ranks of the spiritually dead. Last years 1 level shift rendered 21% spiritually dead. Today is a 3 level shift. Be sure to bask in the glory of the wonders of Divine providence today and see the work of the Divine all around you for this is a day to be noticed and counted. It is a day to see the changes before you and all around you. Blessed be all who remain among the spiritually alive for today you download an awesome flow of Divine energy. Today you shall feel the Spirit truly move you and flow within you. So bask my children in the effervescent flow of Divinity and see the wonders of Divine vibration change you so that you may in turn change the world. Remember, reality is what you make it to be. You are all projections[LOVE] of Divine thought and never before has there been a day so full possibilities. So be the change you want to see. Feel the Divine vibration flow through you making even the most unlikely possible.