Dearest hearts, The following is my personal perspective and account of the massive amount of collective effort and collaboration on the grids during this very transformative period in time. This work has been orchestrated from the highest possible intelligence and levels. Participation at every level of lightwork has been engaged whether we are conscious of our personal participation or not is irrelevant, we all are doing/being this work. It has been shown to me that it is aligned to release this at this time because the work is complete there is no chance of interference, it is done.
When this was downloaded it nearly fried up my human circuitry, it was that powerful, even though it came through in smaller bytes, but to process and understand what I was experiencing was mind blowing. The work on the grids has been peaking for months, and the celestial alignments of the grand merkabas that book end the periods of July 29th, and August 26th facilitated this work and engaged the work from many realms. These two celestial alignments book ended by the Grand Merkaba Sextiles actually mirror the work on the grids, which was another mind blowing aspect to this experience.
The work on the grids that has been my primary focus lately , has been mainly the interconnectivity and alignment of the earth grids, with the celestial grids for coherency and alignment with the universal principles of “as above, so below”. The work has been incredibly challenging, and so incredibly rewarding when recognizing how all the pieces fit, and seeing the result of this work, and the amazing revolutionary affect it will have on humanity and the earthly experience going forward.
All kingdoms participated and collaborated on these new grid configurations and new codes that will facilitate lucid, simple, uncomplicated communion with all the other realms. This new configuration bring the realms closer to each other and increases the lines of communication to bring about a truly multi-dimensional experience from the physical realm. It also provides for more pathways for lack of better word for Source energy to abundantly flow to all in an evenly distributed manner.
During the time of this extensive grid work, I had been shown incredible geometry which only recently have been able to capture a snapshot of it. The geometry streams and morphs behind my closed eyes while doing this work, so it is very difficult to put it on paper, but with the help and inspiration from my beloved twin ray and arch angels have now found a means and a vehicle to express this geometry. I had been seeing and experiencing specific pattern in behind my eyes in small bytes so that I can assimilate it in my current circuitry. It began with an icosahedron pattern which is also the configuration of the holographic panels of the new crystalline, honeycomb mind grid of Gaia. Then started seeing a chain of this pattern from my crown up to the grids, and understood that our etheric brain channels that connect to this grid are also evolving into this pattern. This also made total sense that it would be coherent and reflected in the micro and also in the macro.
Then yesterday it was then shown to me that that this pattern is also the new Tree of Life and the new interconnected, perfectly aligned roadmap between heaven and earth, and all the kingdoms in between.
For the many that are not conscious of the grid work, the interconnectivity of the earth and celestial grids has always been depicted in the Tree of Life, or the Kabbalah. It is in essence the roadmap if you will, between heaven and earth. The old one has been in place during the time of the separation paradigm. Very beautiful and expansive experiences resulted from this configuration, but as with everything, it has evolved and transformed into a new crystalline structure that is more aligned with the universal principles, and carry codes for new experiences of oneness here as part of the new paradigm.
So to put it in the simplest terms….during this latest round of gridwork we literally reconfigured the TREE of LIFE….here is the new configuration and embedded codes..
By merging and experiencing both configurations, you can feel the very subtle but very powerful differences that will bring in the new paradigm multi-dimensional experience to all choosing to experience this new paradigm.
The new configuration is perfectly coherent, as above so below, as below so above, it is perfectly interconnected so that the realms/kingdoms are no longer as separate as in the old configuration. By experiencing this you may pick up on much more than I can express in words, it is quite something…each time I look at it, new information is downloaded.
Each experience will be unique and each contribution and understanding will also be, but don’t take my word for it. Merge and experience it for yourself always with the intention of your own highest good and highest good of all.
May peace, infinite love, light, and unity prevail on earth as it is in heaven…
infinite love…OMni
the emerald tablet
As above, so below was first discovered on the emerald tablet.
Kathara Grid: known as the Krist Code
It's been a couple of months now that this keeps arising within my awareness which leads me to further research and inner reflecting. Please know the purpose in posting this is solely to gain further insight.
The tree of life as shown in the channeled messaged both the old and new reflect a false or Artificial "Tree of Life" as they do not reflect as above so below nor does the new reflect the 12 strands or 12 chakras. The message reflects and describes the True "Tree of Life" ... Krist Code
(Kathara Grid or Kathara 12-Tree is also known asThe Tree of Life)
The word Kathara refers to the Core Structure ofMorphogenetic Fields, the Holographic Templates of Sound-light and Scalar Waves that serve as the blueprints on which matter manifests.
KA - Light, THA - Sound, RA - One.
The Kathara Grid of the human body is the CoreHolographic Template upon which the morphogenetic scalar-wave template, and all other levels of identity and form are built. It is the "Control Center" for manifestation of the Human Being.
The Kathara Grid is a fundamental structure of God-Source, and it is known as the Krist Code.
(Elements of Discovery - Page 55)
There are several structural levels of the Kathara Grid Level-1 Kathara = 12-tree Grid with Kathara Centers & Kathara Lines Level-2 Kathara = Crystal Seals Grid & 15 Primary Chakras Level-3 Kathara = Diodic and Miodic Points Grid
The Kathara Grid is the primary mathematical-geometrical organization of units of consciousness upon which Partiki units group to form morphogenetic field scalar grids.
It is geometrically structured as 12 Primary Kathara Centersconnected by 15 Primary Kathara Lines.
It is the CORElevel of scalar standing wavecreation and energetic organization within and behind all dimensionalized systems, and is thus considered to be the Core of the Holographic Template upon which the morphogenetic scalar wave blueprint and all other dimensionsof form anatomy are built.
The Kathara Grid is the causal element within all manifest effects ofdimensionalizationandconsciousness.
The form of theKathara Grid is reflected in the Macrocosm and the Microcosm of all manifestation.
All forms have at their core the common structure of theKathara Grid Holographic Template.
Energy IS Eternal Consciousness that perpetually changes form by projecting through the structures of the Kathara Grid, while simultaneously remaining always the same.
Energy can not be created or destroyed, it only changes form following the geometric structure of the Kathara Grid.
(The Kathara Bio-spiritual Healing System Course– Page 26)
The first Tree of Life or Kathara Grid and the one closest toGod-Source is called Krist Grid.
(The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation. DVD 01 - 00:07:10)
(See also: Primal Order, Kathara Healing)
The Kathara Grid is the CAUSAL FACTOR beneath ALLdimensional expressions, thus all forms of consciousness & consciousness integration-expansion too!
The Kathara Grid is, therefore, the foundation on which the Axiom Grids, Merkaba Fields, Auric Field Levels, Subtle Bodies, Chakras, Meridian Lines, physical matter systems and Multi-dimensional Levels of Consciousness manifest.
(Kathara Healing Workshop Brochure by Azurite Press on behalf of the MCEO )
Level -1 Kathara
(12-tree Grid - Kathara Centers & Kathara Lines)
The Krist Codeallows for full At-One-ment to be experienced while being in Manifestation within Source.
(See: Krystal Spiral)
"Tree of Life" Comparisons
Krist Code - Kathara Grid Metatronic Artificial "Tree of Life"
The Kathara Grid is the primary mathematical-geometrical organization of units of consciousnessupon which Partiki units group to formmorphogenetic field scalar grids.
Complete 12-tree Grid with Kathara Centers and complete connection points and lines. Balanced structure.
Height to width ratio = 2/1 = 2
It is geometrically structured as 12 Primary Kathara Centers connected by 15 Primary Kathara Lines.
The Krist Code allows for full At-One-ment to be experienced while being in Manifestation withinSource. Eternal Life.
Perfect overlay between PCM andPKA Veca grids.
12 & 8 centers (key grid connection points!) removed!.
No connection with Source. Finite Life.
A false center at 5 and Lines missing. No direct connection to its center.
Width narrowed to 87% of Kathara Gridand Center 1 pulled downward.
Height to width ratio = 4 / √3 = 2.3 instead of 2.
Vertical symmetry of grid is broken.
Not possible for Veca quadrants to align properly because PCM and PKA grids cannot overlay due to width distortions and center misplacement..
Not possible to overlay with parallel grid.
(See: Molecular Compaction)
Namaste Love Light Blessings To All