Don’t Fall for the Fear Porn~10 Aug 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean

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34120-tree-of-lifeHi guys, I have noticed an increasing amount of youtube videos announcing apocalypse, Nibiru nearing or even being for years between our Sun and Earth, other videos and post declare that a Sun Flare will take us all out, and also that comets and asteroids will be the end of us in the coming days, in August in particular.
My own opinion is that if there was a planet for 9 years or more between us and the Sun, no way it would not be of public knowledge, and no way could even NASA cover this one up!!! lol! not to mention that the gravitational pull on our oceans, and planet would be such that we would know all about it..
Regards asteroids and comets, as well as solar flares.. well.. we all know that we have “miraculously” been kept safe from those things for some time now, and should have been anihilated for centuries if it was all down to randomness laws of physics.
All I have to say is pay little attention to those rumours, if any of those things were to happen, there is not much really that could be done about it by us humans anyway.
Yes, there are objects in our skies, some of them are huge, planet size, most of them are cloaked spaceships, and we can see them pretty well around our sun too… Those are of no threat to us, on the contrary, those are here to protect us, and help us carry on our journey on the Earth.
We have been separated from Source through illusion while on Earth, and are slowly all making our way back into Source together.
Yes, cosmic collisions have taken place in the past, but our Universe is now better known and protection and help can be offered to younger civilisations, even without their own knowledge. So fear not dear friends! We are not alone in any dimension. We are doing well as far as Ascension is concerned as far as I understand it, keep up the great work!


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