Lifting of the Veil ~ Planetary Allingments~
I wanted to touch a few things on our planetary allingments and what these allignments bring in.
Now I am not going to fully speak on time frames of these allignments as the times change often due to magnification of the pull and also the cylindrical cyclings of the planets via galaxy. This is always an IN-FLUX time.
We are currently under these allignments, which alot believe to be "Portal Openings" persay. In say a 13,500 (NOT an Excact Number, is Hypothetical) year period our planets allign which in turn allows for energies to be moved or carried. These what you feel or see as "Portal Openings" allow for these denser or heavier energies to be absorbed or carried away.........it also allows an Enlightening or More of AWAKENING to occur as well. As you are NOT feeling such density in these times. This has been ongoing since the creation of the gala (galaxy).
Some refer this to a "Lifting of a Veil" which alots for more clarity, more attunements to come to those whom are attuned to this. There will however still be those whom are not on that stage for attunement. There is NOTHING wrong with them, its simply their soul growth and its readiness of this occurance to be understood. They are your family your brothers/sisters Love and Support them in your growth cycles as well. For at one time, you were them, in that same position of growth.
As we move and shift through these times, more an more things will be seen, felt, heard and understood. As the density is released into the gala.
Imagine if you will for a moment......... A ball with a closed aura wrapped around it....... When the allignment comes around it draws up this outter aura a bit causing a "GAP" an opening. This opening is the RELEASE of past old energies an upliftment or enlightenment. Like a heavy is of lifted in releasing the allowance there of. This allignment has happened throughout all of our times since the dawn of creation.
There is speaking of Lemarian times and Atlantian times as well.....How those civilizations were fully awake or fully enlightened. We are in these SAME times in our NOW stage. Once a soul fully uplifts to an attunement and releases the OLD energies and draws in fresh.......(like a breathe of fresh air) there is NO turning back. Like a baby learning how to walk, Once that little one walks, it continues to walk etc....
As histories go, this opening allows for veils to lift and densities to disappate. At the same time as we move back around in the allignments, these windows close as well. Which brings back the "holder" or keeper of the more densitys once again. This is a natural occurance, there is NO sinister happenings or controllings going on.......It is simply the Natural Order of our system. SO what this means is each time we move thru these cycles more souls are brought to a Fruition or FULL Bloom in soul growth.
Many souls choose to Exit in these times as their soul is fully developed and ready to fly onward to their next transition. As many choose to exit there are many that also remain here to help guide thru the next cylindrical change as well. Hence you have enlightened beings upon your earth plane in ALL TIMES. As generations are born these enlightened beings hold the knowledge and wisdom to anchor them an to teach as well. This is again a Natural Occurance!
Bright Blessings to you Beautious Stars of Earth
May you always see thru Rainbow Eyes upon your Golden Paths
Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
Command of GFL