Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – You Are A Much Bigger Self Than You Suspect –

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Twelve Insight Journal - August 11, 2013

LarryLarsonYou cannot allow your society to dictate the way you think. You must be very selective of the thoughts and beliefs that you allow. Each of you is attempting to create a tidal kind of change in your world. You are thinking big. You are dreaming big. And that is a most excellent way to be.

You are going against the flow of your society. That will require that you remain in positive good spirits, even when others have turned their tail and run. You must acknowledge that everything is going exactly right: Do not be deceived by appearances. That thought that says “Uh-oh, what’s going wrong now?” is the one that trips you up. And what you have created on the inside is exactly what is going to be expressed on the outside. What you do not readily see is the way it is going to happen. Let your practice be to become okay with that.

The origin of all of your experience is inside of yourself. Even those things that seem to sneak up on you have their origin inside of you. In a way, your entire world is inside of you—a much bigger you than you suspect at first. So keep calm and breathe and relax and allow and enjoy. It is only when you clench up that you disallow the miracles. This is yoga. Relax and breathe as you go through your day. Of course it’s a little breathtaking: the entire Universe is spinning in response to the thoughts you have put forth.

Practice this mantra: Everything is going exactly right.

~ Twelve
