Oracles and Healers - by Ron Head - 11 August 2013
Michael, with and for Creator
The time has now come for you to accept your own divine nature. It will now become increasingly important, as well as easier, for you to do this. Do not, however, confuse this with an increase in the less desirable traits of your ego natures. This is not to be reasoned with your intellects, but felt in your hearts. And when felt there, to be accepted by you, to be acknowledged.
It is no longer a time when playing small, when believing the incorrect concepts about your natures is in your best interests. Of course it never was, but your world now needs your abilities and your better selves as much as you do. Telling you this will quite likely awaken any remaining dread, fear, and doubt that still linger in your hearts. Look at them squarely, thank them for their service in keeping you from the fray in prior times, and send them home to be reborn as courage, confidence and belief in yourselves.
Do not rest until you have found the feeling of self-worth that will arise when you understand at last who you truly are. You really did ask to come here. You truly did desire to witness and participate in this unfolding. You truly are the very best choices for this time. You are.
Feel these words in your heart and cherish them. Feel, as well, the boundless love that we send you as you read this. Build in your hearts a special place to keep this feeling. Knowing that you will need to feel it many times, store it there for your future. We will keep it replenished with love and power, with the eternal support which is ours to give.
We do not urge you to do anything other than what your own personal heart feels that you need to do. Let that, which is guided by your own history and understanding, be your guide. You are each as unique as the grains of sand. That is as it should be and it is what is needed. Just be yourselves, but begin now to be the very best selves that you can imagine. And know, as we do that you are never, never alone in the process.
It is possible to be humble and proud at the same time. Be proud of who you are and humble in your manner. Your time is now.
Michael It is our honor to bring you these words. Go in peace. Good day.
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